UNN Post-UTME 2015 Batch 2 Screening Result Is Out
University of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN Post-UTME 2015/206 Batch 2 Screening Result Is Out
This is to inform candidates who participated in the batch 2 post-UTME screening exercise of the University of Nigeria Nsukka that the result of the screening has been released.
All you need to check your result is your JAMB registration no and your UNN result checker scratch card which contains your pin number.
The UNN Post-UTME Result Checking Scratch Card is currently available only at the UNN Micro-Finance Bank, UBA, Fidelity, Union, First and Access banks in Nsukka at the cost of N1100.
To check your result;
1) Visit http://unnportal.unn.edu.ng/screeningLogin.aspx
2) Type in your JAMB Reg. Number and Scratch Card PIN in the spaces provided.
3) Click on “Submit” to access your result.