Apply For the 2017 University of Sydney IPR Scholarships in Australia

Apply For the 2017 University of Sydney IPR Scholarships in Australia


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About the University of Sydney IPR Scholarships

Applications are currently ongoing for the University of Sydney IPR Scholarships. The Faculty of Science at University of Sydney awards limited number of Dean’s International postgraduate research scholarships for international students. Scholarships are available to undertake a research doctorate degree (PhD) programme.

University offers a number of general and subject-specific funding schemes. The aim of the scholarships is to attract the best and most motivated people to Sydney.

The University of Sydney is an Australian public research university in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 1850, it is Australia’s first university and is regarded as one of its most prestigious.

Applicants must have achieved a GPA greater than 85 or an average A grade, or have a relevant subject specific GPA of 90, or equivalent. They must have overall band score of 6.5 or better with no band below 6.0.

Eligible Programmes:

Scholarships are available to undertake a research doctorate degree (PhD). Scholarships are awarded in any of the courses within in faculty of science at University of Sydney.

Scholarship Benefits:

The scholarship consists of the full cost of academic tuition fees plus a stipend equivalent to an Australian Postgraduate Award indexed annually (APA stipend rates for 2016 are $26,288 for full-time students), and is awarded for three years, subject to satisfactory progress, with a possible extension of up to six months

Eligibility Criteria: 

Applicants must:

-Be currently enrolled in the final year of a four-year Bachelor’s degree in Science or relevant discipline, or an equivalent degree (such as a combined Bachelors/Honours/Masters degree), at an international university (a non-Australian university). The final year of the degree must include a research component which accounts for a minimum of 25% of the year;
-Have achieved a GPA greater than 85 or an average A grade, or have a relevant subject specific GPA of 90, or equivalent;
-May not be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or hold permanent residency in Australia;
-Be commencing full time postgraduate research study at the University for the first time;
-Not be in receipt of any other tuition fee scholarship;
-Successfully complete their 4th year of their current Bachelors Degree in Science meeting the academic requirements of the scholarship and complete in time to commence studies at the University of Sydney in the relevant year and research period.

Eligible Countries:

International students (except Australia or New Zealand) can apply for these postgraduate research scholarships.

Admission Requirements:

Entrance Requirements:

Applicants must have achieved a GPA greater than 85 or an average A grade, or have a relevant subject specific GPA of 90, or equivalent.

Test Requirements:

TOEFL score should be 577 or better plus Test of Written English (TWE) at 4.5+.

English Language Requirements:

Applicants must have overall band score of 6.5 or better with no band below 6.0.

Required Documents:

For full details on applying for admission to the University of Sydney, please include:

-Securing a supervisor
-Prepare a research proposal
-Revise and finalise their research proposal
-Identify and contact two academic referees
-Complete the application form
-Submit the application

How to Apply:

To be considered for the Dean’s International Postgraduate Research Scholarship for commencement from January to March 2017 (Research Periods 1 and 2) applicants must:
-Apply to the Doctor of Philosophy in the Division of Natural Sciences via the online course application, and
-Apply to the Dean’s International Postgraduate Research Scholarship via the online scholarship application, by 30 April 2016.

Application Deadline:

The application deadlines are 30 April 2016.

Scholarship Link

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