University of Uyo, UNIUYO Postgraduate Courses

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UNIUYO postgraduate courses. Here is the complete list of postgraduate courses offered at the University of Uyo (UNIUYO).

UNIUYO Postgraduate Courses

The management of the University of Uyo (UNIUYO) has advertised the following postgraduate programmes for the 2019/2020 academic session admission exercise.

See also: How to Apply for UNIUYO Postgraduate Admission.

Table of Contents

List of UNIUYO Postgraduate Courses


a) Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension:

M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics with Specialization in:
i) Production Economics and Farm Management.
ii) Agribusiness Management.
iii) Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives.
iv) Agricultural Policy and Development.
v) Agricultural Finance.
vi) Natural resources and Environmental Economics.
vii) Econometrics/Quantitative Research Methods. Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics with Specialization in:
i) Production Economics and Farm Management.
ii) Resources and Environmental Economics.
iii) Agribusiness and Financial Management.
iv) Agricultural Trade and Marketing.
v) Agricultural Policy.
vi) Planning and Development.
vii) Agricultural Enterprise Development and Project Management.
viii) Quantitative Research Methods/ Econometrics. M.Sc. in Agricultural Extension with specialization in:
i) Agricultural Extension Education.
ii) Agricultural Administration.
iii) Agricultural Communication.
iv) Gender Issues in Agricultural Extension/Rural Development. Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension with specialization in:
i) Agricultural Extension/Rural Development
ii) Agricultural Administration
iii) Agricultural Communication.

b) Department of Animal Science:

M.S c. & Ph. D in Animal Science with specialization in:
i) Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry.
ii) Animal Breeding and Genetics.
iii) Animal Production Management.
iv) Animal Physiology & Reproduction.
v) Animal Products Technology.

c) Department of Crop Science:

M.S c. in Crop Science with specialization in:
i) Crop Production and Physiology.
ii) Genetics Crop Breeding and Biotechnology.
iii) Crop Protection.
iv) Weed Science and Pasture Agronomy.
v) Farming Systems and Horticulture. Ph.D in Crop Science with specialization in:
i) Crop Production.
ii) Crop Physiology.
iii) Farming System.
iv) Horticulture.
v) Weed Science.
vi) Pasture Agronomy.
vii) Entomology.
viii) Crop Breeding.
ix) Genetics & Biotechnology.
x) Pathology.
xi) Nematology.

d) Department of Soil Science:

M.S c. & Ph. D. in Soil Science with specialization in:
i) Soil Microbiology & Biochemistry.
ii) Soil Survey & Land Use Planning.
iii) Soil Physics & Conservation.
iv) Soil Chemistry & Minerology.
v) Soil Fertility/Fertilizer Technology.
vi) Pedology.
vii) Environmental Soil Science.

e) Department of Food Science & Technology:

M.S c. & Ph.D in Food Science & Technology with specialization in:
i) Food Microbiology & Biotechnology.
ii) Food Chemistry.
iii) Biochemistry & Biotechnology.
iv) Food Quality Control & Assurance.
v) Food Processing & Storage
vi) Brewing Science & Technology.

f) Department of Forestry & Natural Resources Management:

M.S c. Forestry & Wildlife with specialization in:
i) Forest Resources Management and Economics.
ii) Environmental Forestry.
iii) Wood Science.
iv) Agroforestry.
v) Wildlife Management.
Ph.D. in Forestry & Wildlife with specialization in:
i) Forest Resources.
ii) Environmental Forestry.
iii) Wood Science.
iv) Agroforestry.
v) Wildlife Management.

g) Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture:

M.S c. & Ph.D. in:
i) Fisheries & Aquaculture
ii) Aquatic Environmental Management

h) Department of Home Economics, Nutrition & Dietetics:

M.S c. & Ph.D in Home Economics with specialization in:
i) Textiles.
ii) Clothing & Fashion Design.
iii) Family Resource Management (Home Management).
iv) Human & Family Development.
v) Foods & Nutrition.

i) Centre for Wetlands and Waste Management Studies:

M.Sc. in Environmental Health Management (EHM)


a) Department of Communication Arts:

M.A & Ph.D in Mass Communication with specialization in:
i) Business and Organizational Communication.
ii) Radio/TV Broadcasting.
iii) Print Journalism.
iv) Public Relations and Advertising.
v) Development Communication and Political Communication

b) Department of English:

M.A and Ph.D English with specialization in:
i) Language.
ii) Literature

c) Department of Foreign Languages:

i) M.A. in French.
Ph.D in
ii) French Language.
iii) Literature in French and Translation Studies

d) Department of History & International Studies:

M.A in History & International Studies with specialization in:
i) Archeology of Nigeria
ii) African History
iii) Social & Political History
iv) Economic History
v) Urban History
vi) International History and Diplomacy
vii) Peace and Conflict Studies
viii) Military and Strategic Studies
ix) Gender Studies.
Ph. D in History and International Studies with specialization in:
i) International History and Diplomacy
ii) African Diaspora Studies
iii) Peace and Conflict Studies
iv) Gender Studies
v) Military and Strategic Studies
vi) Archeology and Cultural Heritage Management.

e) Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages:

i) M.A & Ph.D in Linguistics
ii) M.A. in Computational Language Documentation
iii) Ph. D in Computational Language Technology.

f) Department of Religious and Cultural Studies:

M.A. & Ph.D in Religious Studies with specialization in:
i) Sociology of Religion
ii) Biblical Studies: (1) Old Testament, (2) New Testament
iii) African Traditional Religion
iv) Church History
v) Philosophy of Religion

g) Department of Philosophy:

M.A & Ph.D in Philosophy with specialization in:
i) Epistemology
ii) Metaphysics
iii) Value Theories
iv) Socio-Political Philosophy
v) African Philosophy
vi) Philosophy of Religion
vii) Philosophy of Science
viii) Philosophy of Education
ix) Philosophy of Law
x) History of Philosophy
xi) Philosophy & Gender Studies
xii) Logic, Philosophy of Language
xiii) Philosophy of Social Science
xiv) Philosophy of Mind
xv) Philosophy & Public Affairs
xvi) Philosophy of Medicine
xvii) Philosophy of Environment.

h) Department of Music: M.A. in Music.

i) Department of Theatre Arts: M.A. in Theatre Arts


a) Department of Biochemistry:

M.Sc. & Ph.D in Biochemistry

b) Department of Anatomy:

M.S c. in Anatomy with specialization in:
i) Histology and Histochemistry
ii) Embryology and Teratology
iii) Physical Anthropology and Comparative Anatomy
iv) Neurobiology
Ph.D in Anatomy with specialization in:
i) Neurobiology
ii) Clinical and Radiological Anatomy
iii) Physical Anthropology
iv) Histochemistry
v) Cellular and Molecular Biology
vi) Developmental Biology and Teratology

c) Department of Physiology:

M.S c. & Ph.D in Human Physiology with specialization in:
i) Endocrinology
ii) Reproductive Physiology
iii) Neurophysiology
iv) Metabolism
v) Renal Physiology
vi) Environmental Physiology and Toxicology
vii) Gastrointestinal Physiology
viii) Cardiovascular Physiology.


M.S c. in:
i) Accounting
ii) Banking and Finance
iii) Business Management
iv) Marketing
v) Insurance and Risk Management. Ph.D in:
i) Accounting
ii) Banking and Finance
iii) Business Management
iv) Marketing


Department of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology:

M.S c. in Medical Microbiology with specialization in:
i) Medical Microbiology (Medical Bacteriology/Clinical Immunology/Public Health Microbiology)
ii) Medical Parasitology.


a) Institute of Education:

i) Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE),
ii) Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Technology (PGDET)
iii) Special Postgraduate Diploma in Education for Higher Education Teachers (SPGDE)

b) Department of Curriculum Studies, Educational Management & Planning:

M.E d. & Ph.D in:
i) Curriculum Studies
ii) Educational Management & Planning

c) Department of Educational Foundations, Guidance and Counselling:

M.E d. & Ph.D in:
i) Guidance & Counseling
ii) Educational Psychology
iii) Sociology of Education
iv) Educational Evaluation
v) Social Studies in Education and Philosophy of Education.

d) Department of Physical & Health Education: Physical Education:

M.S c(Ed.) in:
i) Adapted Physical Education
ii) Exercise Physiology
iii) Organization & Administration of Physical Education & Sports
iv) Sociology & Psychology of Sports Ph.D in:
i) Organization & Administration of Physical Education and Sport
ii) Exercise Physiology
iii) Adapted Physical Education
iv) Sports Psychology
v) Sociology of Sports Health Education: M.Sc(Ed.) in:
i) Community Health
ii) School Health
iii) Environmental and Occupational Health. Ph. D in:
i) Public Health Education

e) Department of Educational Technology & Library Science:

i) Master in Library and Information Science (MLIS)
ii) M.Sc (Ed) in Educational Technology

Ph.D in Library and Information Science with specialization in:
i) Library Science
ii) Information Science
iii) Archives and Records Management
iv) Publishing and Book Trade
Ph.D in:
i) Educational Technology

f) Department of Early Childhood & Special Education:

M.E d & Ph.D. in:
i) Early Childhood Education

g) Department of Vocational Education:

i) M.Ed. in Textile Technology Education

M.S c(Ed.) & Ph.D in:
i) Agricultural Education
ii) Business Education
iii) Technical Education
iv) Computer Education & Home Economics Education

h) Department of Science Education:

M.S c.(Ed.) & Ph.D in:
i) Biology Education
ii) Chemistry Education
iii) Integrated Science Education
iv) Mathematics Education
v) Physics Education


a) Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering:

i) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Petroleum Engineering
ii) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Chemical Engineering Master & Ph.D in Chemical Engineering with specialization in:
i) Advanced Chemical Engineering
ii) Environmental Process Engineering
iii) Chemical Process Design
iv) Petroleum Processing Engineering
v) Biochemical Engineering.

M.E ng. & Ph.D in Petroleum Engineering with specialization in:
i) Production Engineering
ii) Drilling Engineering
iii) Reservoir Engineering
iv) Gas Engineering
v) Georesources Engineering
vi) Geoenvironmental Engineering.

b) Department of Mechanical Engineering:

i) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Mechanical Engineering M.Eng. & Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in:
i) Production Engineering
ii) Building Services Engineering
iii) Materials Engineering.

c) Department of Computer/Electrical & Electronics Engineering:

i) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Computer Engineering
ii) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Electrical/Electronics Engineering. M.Eng. in Computer Engineering with specialization in:
i) Computer (Hardware) Engineering
ii) Software & Systems Engineering.
M.E ng. in Electrical/Electronics Engineering with specialization in:
i) Electric Power Devices (Machines)
ii) Electrical Power Engineering
iii) Control Engineering
iv) Electronics & Communications Engineering

d) Department of Food and Agricultural Engineering:

i) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Food and Agricultural Engineering. M.Eng. & Ph.D in Food Engineering with specialization in:
i) Food Process Engineering
ii) Food Machinery and Equipment Engineering
iii) Food Storage
iv) Distribution and Environmental Engineering.
M.E ng. & Ph.D in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in:
i) Farm Power and Machinery (FPM)
ii) Agricultural Products Processing and Storage
iii) Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (SWE)
iv) Farm Structures and Environment

e) Department of Civil Engineering:

i) PGD in Civil Engineering

Master of Engineering degree (M.Engr.) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Structural Engineering
ii) Water Resources Engineering
iii) Environmental Health Engineering
iv) Geotechnical Engineering.


a) Department of Architecture: M.Sc. in Architecture

b) Department of Building: M. Sc & Ph.D in Construction Management

c) Department of Estate Management: M.Sc. & Ph.D in Estate Management

d) Department of Fine & Industrial Arts:

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in:
i) Ceramics
ii) Painting
iii) Sculpture
iv) Textiles
v) Graphics.
vi) Master of Arts in Art Education (M.A. Art Education).

Ph.D in Fine & Industrial Arts with specialization in:

i) Ceramics Design and Technology
ii) Graphics Design and Technology
iii) Painting and Painting Technology
iv) Textiles Design and Technology
v) Sculpture.

e) Department of Geoinformatics and Surveying

M.Sc. & Ph.D in Geoinformatics and Surveying

f) Department of Urban & Regional Planning:

i) Master of Urban & Regional Planning (MURP)
ii) M.Sc. in Environmental Management
iii) Ph.D in Urban & Regional Planning

9. FACULTY OF LAW: LLM & Ph.D in Law


a) Department of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry:

M.S c. & Ph. D in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry with specialization in:
i) Synthesis and Characterization of Chemotherapeutic Agents Drug Metabolism
ii) Pharmacokinetics of Drugs and Effects on Drug Therapy
iii) Chemistry of Natural Products.

b) Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Medicine:

M.S c. in Pharmacognosy and Natural Medicine with specialization in:
i) Phytochemistry
ii) Biological Evaluation of Natural Products
iii) Cultivation and Propagation of Medicinal Plants
iv) Tissue Culture Ph.D in Pharmacognosy

c) Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology:

M.Sc. & Ph.D in: Pharmacology

d) Department of Pharmaceutical/Pharmaceutical Technology:

i) M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
ii) M.Sc in Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Microbiology
iii) Ph.D in Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Technology
iv) Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Microbiology

e) Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy

i) Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in Clinical Pharmacy
ii) Ph.D in Clinical Pharmacy


a) Department of Botany & Ecological Studies:

M.S c & Ph.D Botany with specialization in:
i) Cytogenetics & Genetics
ii) Plant Physiology/Phytochemistry
iii) Plant Ecology
iv) Plant Taxonomy/ Systematics
v) Plant Virology/Pathology
vi) Plant Anatomy.

b) Department of Chemistry:

M.S c & Ph.D in:
i) Analytical Chemistry
ii) Environmental Chemistry
iii) Industrial Chemistry
iv) Inorganic Chemistry
v) Organic Chemistry
vi) Physical Chemistry
vii) Polymer Chemistry.
c) Department of Computer Science:
M.Sc. in Computer Science.
Ph.D Curriculum in Computational Intelligence

d) Department of Mathematics & Statistics:

i) M.Sc. in Statistics.
ii) M.Sc. & Ph. D in: Mathematics

e) Department of Microbiology:

M.S c. & Ph. D in:
i) Environmental Microbiology
ii) Industrial & Food Microbiology

f) Department of Physics:

M.Sc. & Ph.D in Physics with specialization in:
1) Pure Physics:
i) Atomic/Nuclear Physics
ii) High Energy/Particle Physics
iii) Plasma Physics
iv) Solid State/Condensed Matter Physics
v) Theoretical Computational Physics
2) Applied Physics:
i) Electronics/Communications
ii) Geophysics
iii) Atmospheric Physics
iv) Radiation/Health Physics
v) Renewable Energy.

g) Department of Animal and Environmental Biology:

M.Sc & Ph.D in:
i. Parasitology
ii. Hydrobiology
iii. Entomology.


a) Department of Economics:

M.S c & Ph.D in Economics with specialization in:
i. Development Economics
ii. Monetary Economics
iii. Public Finance
iv. Environmental Economics
v. International Economics.

b) Department of Geography & Natural Resources Management:

M.S c. & Ph.D in Geography and Natural Resource Management with Specialization in:
i. Geography & Environmental Management
ii. Biogeography
iii. Agricultural Geography
iv. Climatology and Climate Change Studies
v. Rural Land use Planning
vi. Urban Studies
vii. Regional Development Planning
viii. Environmental/Resource Management
ix. Population Studies and Medical Geography
x. Economic Geography
xi. Transport Planning and Management
xii. Natural Disaster and Risk Management
xiii. Tourism Geography
xiv. Geographic Information System
xv. Water Studies.
M.Sc. & Ph.D in Environment and Development

c) Department of Political Science and Public Administration:

M.S c. and Ph.D in:
i. Public Administration
ii. International Relations.
Ph.D in Comparative Politics

d) Department of Psychology:

M.S c. and Ph.D with options in:

i. Clinical Psychology
ii. Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Social Psychology.

e) Department of Sociology/Anthropology:

M.S c. and Ph.D in:
i. Sociology & Development
ii. Criminology
iii. Industrial Sociology
iv. Medical Sociology
v. Rural and Community Development
vi. Social/Cultural Anthropology
vii. Demography.

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