UNILORIN Vacancy for the Post of University Librarian – [How To Apply]

University of Ilorin, UNILORIN vacancy for the post of University Librarian – See Full Job Application/Requirements Below.

UNILORIN vacancy for the post of University Librarian


The Council of the University of Ilorin hereby announces that the post of University Librarian of the University will become vacant with effect from 12thOctober, 2017.

In accordance with the provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act No. 11 of 1993, as amended by Act No. 25 of 1996 and the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act 2012, the Council has decided to begin the process of appointing a new University Librarian.

Consequently, applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post.


The candidate, who must have had a minimum of fifteen (15) years cognate experience, should possess at least a Master’s Degree in Library Science. A Doctorate Degree will be an added advantage. The candidate must show evidence of substantial contribution to knowledge through research and scholarly publications in reputable Journals. In addition, the candidate should have proficiency in management and administration, capability to initiate research and be knowledgeable in the application of Computer to Library operations and services.

The ideal candidate should have been a Deputy University Librarian or its equivalent for not less than five (5) years.


The successful candidate shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years.


The University Librarian is a Principal Officer of the University, responsible to the Vice- Chancellor for the administration of the University Library and co-ordination of all Library services in the University, its College, Faculties, Institutes and other teaching and research units.

As an academic unit, the successful candidate will be expected to give both administrative and academic leadership.


This and other conditions of service shall be as approved for University Librarians of Federal Universities by the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Governing Council of the University of Ilorin.


The successful candidate shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years.


Applicants are required to submit a set of their credentials and thirty-five (35) typewritten copies of their applications, giving the following information in the order listed below:

  1. Full Names:
  2. Post Desired and Department:
  3. Date of Birth:
  4. Place of Birth and State of Origin:
  5. Nationality:
  6. Permanent Home Address:
  7. Current Postal Address:
  8. Cell Phone Number:
  9. E-mail Address:
  10. Marital Status:
  11. Number of Children with Names and Ages:
  12. Institutions Attended (with dates):
  13. Pure Academic Qualifications (with dates):
  14. Professional Qualifications (with dates)
  15. List of Publications with Details of Title, Publishers or Journals dates and pages (where applicable):
  16. Working Experience (General and Specific Experience with dates):
  17. Details of administrative experience and service to the Community (with status and dates):
  18. Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer;
  19. Extra-Curricular Activities:
  20. Names and Addresses of Three Referees (two of whom must be professionals or authorities in relevant fields) who must be requested by the applicant to forward directly to the Registrar, confidential Reports on the applicant indicating the post desired.

Only shortlisted candidates will be acknowledged.


Applications are to be forwarded to the Registrar, University of Ilorin, RM.B. 1515, Ilorin, not later than six (6) weeks from the date of this publication.

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