UNILORIN General Admission Requirements

University of Ilorin, UNILORIN General Admission Requirements For UTME,Direct Entry (D.E), B.Ed (Sandwich/Part-Time)


This post breaks down all University of Ilorin,UNILORIN General Admission,due to numeral candidates making inquiry about different Entry requirements,I decided to compile the list/General Admission requirement on different programs here,ranging from JAMB(UTME),Direct Entry(D.E),B.Ed etc.

Table of Contents

University of Ilorin,UNILORIN General Admission Requirements:

1. Admission by Entrance Examination – U.M.E
The Entrance Examination is conducted by JAMB. In addition to attaining required standard in Entrance Examination,
candidates must satisfy the general University as well as specific Faculty requirements.

For the general requirement, candidates must obtain at least a credit pass in subjects at GCE O’ Level or approved equivalent at
not more than two sittings. (See tables for specific faculty requirements).

2. Admission by Direct Entry

Candidates must posses one of the following qualifications:
•1. Two passes at the Principal or Advanced Level with GCE O’ Level approved equivalent credit passes in three other subjects at not more than two sittings.

•2. Three passes at the Principal or Advanced Level with GCE. O’ Level approved equivalent credit passes in two other subjects at not more than two sittings; (Passes at the Principal or Advanced Level may be obtained at the G.C.E. A’ Level, HSC. or IJMB).

•3. Passes in two recognised NCE. subjects with G.C.E. O’ Level credits equivalent in three other subjects. Education is accepted as a third Level subject for those taking courses in Education.

•4. Candidates who successfully pass. the final examination of the following Institutions shall also be considered eligible for admission.

1. The International Baccalaureate obtained from accredited Institution with relevant grading.

2. National Diploma from Polytechnics or Colleges of Technology-only applicable to some faculties (See table on special Faculty requirements).

3. The Defence Academy Certificate as moderated by the University of Ibadan.

Other conditions to note:
¤1. No subjects may be counted at both O’ and A’ Levels.
¤2. General Paper at HSC or in any. other examination will not be accepted as a substitute for English Language.

3. B.Ed. (Sandwich/Part-Time)
Students are expected to combine Education with any of the following subjects: Science, Mathematics, Language Arts (English or Yoruba Only) and Social Studies. The following subjects are accepted for Social Studies: Economics, Geography, Government, History, Political Science and Social Studies.

4. Admission into 2-Year Degree Programme
( visit www.unilorin.edu.ng on Special Faculty requirements under Faculty of Education).

5. A. Remedial Programme
An applicant must pass the SSCE/GCE O’ Level in English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, with
Credit level passes in at least three (3) of these subjects at not more than two (2) sittings.

1. Faculty of Agriculture will accept credit pass in Agricultural Science in lieu of credit pass in Biology.
2. Faculty of Engineering and Technology requires credit in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
3. Faculty of Health Sciences will admit only a few of the successful candidates of the Remedial Students of the Faculty of Science at the end of the programme.

B. Eligibility

The programme is open only to candidates from the catchment area of University of Ilorin.

6. Non-Degree Programme

1. Associate Certificate in Education (ACE):
The course is open to Primary School Teachers who passed the Teachers’ Grade I or II Certificate with not less than five years teaching experience after obtaining the Grade II Teachers Certificate.

2. Certificate in Physical and Health Education: (PHE)

Candidates must be holders of Grade II Teachers Certificate, WASC/SSCE/GCE O/Level with at least credit passes in three subjects. However, candidates with two credits, but in any case, not less than one credit with outstanding sporting achievements at the State or National level may be considered for admission.

3. Diploma in Mathematics and Physics Education:

Candidates must possess at least one of the following qualifications:
1. WASC/SSCE/GCE O/Level with at least three credits, one of which must be in a Science subject obtained at not more than two sittings. Where the credits are not in Mathematics and/or Physics, a Pass grade P7 or P8 must be obtained in these two
Science subjects.

2. Teachers’ Grade II Certificate with credits in a1 least three teaching subjects including Mathematics. Where the credits
are not in Physics or Genera Science, Merit must be obtained in wither of these.
For (1) (2) (3) courses, candidates who satisfy the minimum entry requirements will be admitted on the basis of their performance in the entrance examination.

Entry Requirements:

The University conducts three and four year courses for students who gain admission into the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Science and Education.

Undergraduate programmes in the Faculties of Agriculture and Engineering/Technology Law and in Health Sciences are of 5 and 6 years duration respectively. The first year of the programme is an integral part of the programme and students take 100 level courses during the year.

University Matriculation Examination(U.M.E.)

1. Same as for General Entry Requirements.
2. Subjects passed at SSCE/O’ Level must be obtained at not more than two sittings. Same as for General Entry Requirements.

1. The General Paper in GCE A’ Level or its equivalent will NOT be accepted as a substitute for SSCE/O’ Level Credit in English Language.
2. A pass in a subject in the final examination of the NDA Certificate of Education as moderated by the Institute of Education of the University of Ibadan is regarded as an Advanced Level equivalent.
3. A credit pass in English Language of the IJMB. at the ‘O’Level is acceptable as equivalent to SSCE/G.C.E. (O’ Level) for admission purposes.

New Students:
To register for courses, new students are required to

1. Proceed to the Admission Officer or his representatives in the appropriate venue for due clearance and obtain clearance Form.

2. Proceed to your Faculty/Department and obtain clearance respectively;

3. Obtain and fill the student’s Statistical Information Form and Registration Kit from the Records Officer (Academic
Office) or his/her representatives at the venue.

4. Consult Department; adviser for guidance and counseling ion the selection of courses before completing Course Registration Form with biro; and obtain his/her signature.

5. Complete the fees form (MIS 04) by paying prescribed fees at the Bursary Department and enclose the evidence for payment (Photocopy) as part of the required registration materials to be submitted to the Faculty Officer;

6. Return a copy of the duly completed MIS or Statistical Form MIS 01 to the representative of Academic Office at the venue;

7. Submit all the completed Registration Forms to your Faculty Officer for his/ her signature and that of your Dean or his representative.

8. All new students are expected to undergo medical examination at the Health Services Unit. The prescribed medical examination form should be completed and returned to the Faculty officer.

Please note that your course registration is not valid until you are duly registered in the Health Services Unit.

Returning Students:

1. Obtain Course Registration Forms from your Faculty Office.

2. Consult with the appropriate Heads of Department for guidance in selecting courses.

3. After the selection of courses complete the forms appropriately and obtain the signature of your Departmental Adviser.

4. Finally, submit your registration form to your Faculty Office for his/her signature and that of your Dean or his representative.

5. Ask your Faculty Officer for your copy of the registration form.

1. All fresh Students are to pay all prescribed fees to the Bank, and obtain receipt from Bursary Department during the Orientation week. Only students who have dully paid their fees would be registered.

2. Late Registration will incur penalty fees as determined from time to time by the University.

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One Comment

  1. wat course can I get with ds result
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