UNICAL GSS Exam Timetable For 1st Semester 2015/2016 Session
University of Calabar, UNICAL General Studies and Communication Skills (GSS) examination timetable for the first semester, 2015/2016 academic session.
Authority of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) Center for General Studies and Communication Skills has released the 1st semester, 2015/2016 academic session GSS examination timetable.
Table of Contents
[gview file=”http://www.ngschoolz.com/wp-content/uploads/UNICAL-GSS-Exam-Timetable-For-1st-Semester.pdf”]
Click Here to download the PDF version.
- Every student MUST present his/her original printout/receipt of the on-line registration of courses/payment with passport photograph clearly visible and identifiable for the 2015/2016 academic session.
- Every student MUST carry his/her student ID card and fees receipts and must produce same on demand at the examination venue.
- Only students who duly registered and whose names appear on the GSS examination print-out, photo card and OMR list MAY BE allowed to write the examination
- All problems, challenges and difficulties related to this examination should be reported to the DIRECTOR in his office at the Centre for General Studies.
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