UNIABUJA SUG President Suspended Over Alleged Fund Looting

University Of Abuja, UNIABUJA Student Union, SUG President(chris ifeanyi) Suspended Over Alleged Fund Looting


The uniabuja SUG parliament takes a bold step, by suspending chris ifeanyi from the SUG presidency.

Chris ifeanyi, who’s been stripped off, of his uniabuja SUG presidential power, due to several funds looting allegations labelled against him, shows no sign of regret nor guilt, as he denied all the allegations labelled against him, in front of uniabuja SUG Parliament speaker.

NGSchoolz.com Team, who dogged dip into this issue, found out that, chris ifeanyi bribed the previous SUG president “pelumi” who’s very influential, politically, and socially in Uniabuja campus and the student affairs. The reason to such bribe by chris ifeanyi, was to cover all the loop holes that might make him loose his position as the SUG president, and also to seek for very powerful back-bones that’ll help him retain his presidential position, which seems to be collapsing gradually.

Chris ifeanyi who now lacks trust among his fellow uniabuja comrades, due to his high rate of funds looting, and embezzlement, is now facing serious charges of 4million naira theft from the uniabuja SUG treasury. Chris ifeanyi also collected the sum of 1million naira for an assignment to Lagos, but the funny fact was that, chris ifeanyi hid in abuja, forfeited the journey, pretended to be in lagos carrying out the assignment, while he hid himself in a hotel located in abuja, wuse town. A co-comrade of uniabuja didn’t believe his eyes when he spotted chris ifeanyi entering the hotel while wearing a short and a singlet, seems he came out from the hotel for a quick shopping.

So, the uniabuja SUG parliament took the bold step of suspending “chris ifeanyi” as the uniabuja SUG president, till further notice.

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