UI Undergraduate Students’ Levies Schedule For 2015/2016 Session
UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN, UI Undergraduate Students’ Levies Schedule For 2015/2016 Academic Session[All Department]
INSTRUCTION: Please strictly follow the instructions stated below:
1. Students must view their Payment Advice.
2. Students must firstly login to the portal with matric number and password
3. Students must copy their REFERENCE NUMBER
4. Students must Print their RRR no from the portal
5. Payments made contrary to instructions will be refunded only at 15% Surcharge.
6. Payments of Fees should be made From 8TH FEBRUARY,2016 to 15TH APRIL, 2016
7. Late Payment of Fees attract N5,000.00k
8. Collect your Smart Receipts from relevant Faculty/Finance Offices a day after payment
9. A copy of the same receipt will be e-mailed to you
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