University Of Ibadan, UI DLC Now Eligible For NYSC
University Of Ibadan, UI DLC Now Eligible For NYSC. This Simply men that all UI DLC graduates are now eligible for NYSC. Open and Distance Education (ODE) is undeniably the solution to access in the contemporary crave and pursuit of university education. Undoubtedly, the platform was established with the working class in mind. But the reality of inadequate space to accommodate prospective candidates has been a major challenge in the tertiary education sector. For this reason, many fresh school leavers are now subscribing to the Open Distance Learning (ODL) mode of educational delivery which University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre (UIDLC) represents.
To spur more candidates to come onboard the ODL platform, the UIDLC management has magnanimously enacted a policy which absorbs Unibadan post-UTME candidates who are unable to secure admissions on the regular mode of the university. The policy explicitly states that this category of candidates would be exempted from obtaining fresh applications to UIDLC if they opt to switch to the ODL alternative.
However, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) issue has been a recurrent concern especially when young prospective candidates consider the ODL mode. The NYSC is a scheme undergraduates look forward to experiencing. It is an undeniable culture many graduates regard as indelible experiences. This is one of the reasons why young candidates try out their luck every year to gain admission through the regular mode. Unfortunately, frustration sets in after many failed attempts.
After consultations and extensive deliberations at relevant quarters, the UIDLC management has put modalities in place to capture its learners in order to mobilize them for NYSC. The Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) has given a platform for Open and Distance learners to be captured on the JAMB portal in order to have registration numbers. This makes their mobilization for NYSC a reality at the end of their programme.
Learners who graduated before thirty can now breathe a sigh of hope; NYSC mobilization is now very feasible. This registration would also enhance the processing of exemption certificates for learners who are above thirty at graduation. This scheme begins with applicants of the 2018/2019 session. Instructions on the processes to get this done would be given in due course.
In view of the second UIDLC entrance examination scheduled to hold on Saturday, January 12, 2019, prospective candidates are advised to visit the UIDLC application portal through to apply. The Centre has also put modalities in place to have a third entrance examination before the 2018/2019 application is closed eventually.
Available programmes on the UIDLC platform include: B.A. English; B.A. Philosophy and Public Affairs; B.A. History & Diplomatic Studies; B.A. Communication & Language Art; B.Sc. Psychology; B.Sc. Economics; B.Sc. Political Science; B.Sc. Sociology; BSW. Social Work; BLIS. Library, Archival & Information Studies; B.Ed. Guidance & Counseling; B.Ed. Adult Education; B.Ed. Educational Management; B.Sc. Computer Science and B.Sc. Statistics.
The Professor Oyesoji Aremu administration should indeed be commended for beaming light of hope to prospective learners. One huddle after the other, UIDLC keeps sustaining the legacy of providing an educational platform for liberty and development.
Dayo Olajide
Communications Officer, UIDLC
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