See UI Admission Requirements For UTME and Direct Entry Candidates

University Of Ibadan, UI Admission Requirements For UTME and Direct Entry Candidates. Check UI JAMB Subject Combination for Admission In All Courses And Requirements.

University Of Ibadan, UI Admission Requirements For UTME and Direct Entry Candidates.

The management of the University of Ibadan (UI) has published a revised undergraduate admission requirements.

In addition to the subject combinations for each department as advertised in the JAMB brochure, please note the following


1. College of Medicine
a. Basic Medical Sciences
b. Clinical Sciences
c. Dentistry
d. Public Health

2. Pharmacy


1. Agriculture and Forestry
2. Arts
3. Education
4. Law
5. Science
6. Technology
7. The Social Sciences
8. Veterinary Medicine

[Candidates should please note that it is only when an ‘O’ level result is deficient for a course of choice, that another result may be presented to compliment the deficient one. Candidates presenting two ‘O’ level results (2 Sittings) should ensure that, the comprehensive details of both results are submitted.]

See Also: University Of Ibadan,UI Medicine,Pharmacy,Nursing Tips You Must Know For Admission

Table of Contents

UI Admission Requirements For UTME and Direct Entry Candidates



Faculty Programme REVISED REQUIREMENTS Special Consideration (Waiver) Remarks
UTME Subjects UTME O/Level
Social Science Psychology 10479B English Language and any other 3 subjects from Social Sciences and/or Sciences. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Biology and other Social Sciences or Science subjects.
Science Computer Science 10488K English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and any other Science subjects (excluding Geography & Agric Science).
Science Geography 10428C English Language and any three of the following: Geography, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at two sittings to include: English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any of two or three of the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Further Mathematics. Agricultural Science is not acceptable as a Science subject.
Technology Food Technology 10467E English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics with any one of the following subjects as the case may be: Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Economics, Geography, Metal Work and Wood Work.  Knowledge of Further Mathematics is an advantage for all Engineering courses.

Direct Entry:

Faculty Programme REVISED REQUIREMENTS Special Consideration (Waiver) Remarks
Direct Entry  O/Level
Social Science Psychology 10479B (1) Two ‘A’ level passes in two subjects in any of: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Government, Geography, Economics or Mathematics/Statistics. (2) UTME requirements plus NRN certificate. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Biology and other Social Sciences or Science subjects.
Science Computer Science 10488K (i) Two ‘A’ level subjects passes in Mathematics (pure or applied) and Physics (ii) OND/HND Computer Science or any other Mathematics based courses with grade of Upper Credit. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and any other Science subjects (excluding Geography & Agric Science). IBADAN accepts only ND/HND in Computer Science with Upper Credit.
Science Geography 10428C Two ‘A’ level subjects including Geography and any other Science subject. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at two sittings to include: English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any of two or three of the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Further Mathematics. Agricultural Science is not acceptable as a Science subject.
Technology Food Technology 10467E 2 ‘A’ level passes in Physics and Mathematics plus UME requirements. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics with any one of the following subjects as the case may be: Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Economics, Geography, Metal Work and Wood Work.

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      1. Hello sir good evening sir I study paramedic technician in college of health technology sir can I study nursing in UI with the course sir

  1. Bro,I want to study nursing,but I don’t understand. does this mean I need a professional qualification to even consider applying for the course in UI.I am about picking my course(nursing) I’m still a secondary school studentbut this confuses me.Pls help

  2. Please sir, i want to put in nursing in the university of Ibadan,
    but i don’t know if they will accept two sitting from the same exam board.

  3. Pls sir i am an Nce holder and i wnt to apply for a DE in UI to further in french art please wat are the requirements?

  4. Hello sir please I want to have a private discussion with you
    #This is my number:08131915694
    #G0d bless y0u

  5. Please what is the right subject combination for jamb for special education in UI cos I put eng, lit in eng, econs n govt. I’m I in order? Pls sir I need an urgent reply

  6. hello sir, pls i finished from mapoly slt with 3.29 CGPA what is my chance of studying industrial chem in u.i

  7. hello sir, im an nce holder, i like 2 study math educatn (arithmetics option), is d option avail in ui, pls reply me.

  8. Pls sir, I applied for medicine & surgery in ui, and I scored 276 in JAMB, and then 8A1 & 1B3 in my O’level. What are my chances of gaining admission this year?


      · WAEC/NECO: A1(6), B2(5), B3(4), C4(3), C5(2), C6(1).

      For the five relevant subjects the scores are added together to get G.

      Score = (G/30) x 50 = O’level points (50)

      · JAMB/UTME: Jamb scores / 8 = Jamb points (50)

      Add O’ level + Jamb points = Weighted Scores (100)
      276/8 = 34.5
      5As= 6×5= 30:; 30/30×50=50

      Your Score Is Now 50 + 34.5 = 84.5
      Your Admission Is 100% Guaranteed!

  9. pls sir, does UI sell another direct entry form beside the one purchased from jamb……..cos i didnt get it very well the way you said it here

  10. Pls I was told I won’t be given admission in university of Ibadan if I don’t write biology in my jamb, even as their new requirement is English and any three other social science subject, how true is this………jamb subject combination English, commerce, government, economics.

    1. Hello sir good evening sir I study paramedic technician in college of health technology sir can I study nursing in UI with the course sir

  11. i would like to study theatre arts in UI but after calculating my points as u explained to franklin and i scored 40.16 … is there hope for admission?

  12. Pls sir I have d7 in maths and I want to study law but I credited all the remaining papers, is it possible for me to study law in UI. Pls I need urgent reply.

  13. Pls i want to know if UI takes direct entry into faculty of pharmacy. My first degree was on applied Biochemistry.

  14. Pls sir,with ND upper credit in science laboratory technology, which course can I apply for direct entry

  15. please sir, I just finished from college of health technology, I did public health, can I obtained direct entry form of public health?

  16. Pls sir…I studied agric and bio environment engineering at the federal poly ilaro…I was admitted with a jamb score of 189…and graduated with a cgpa:3.38…am I gud to go sir cos I fear my jamb score is not up to 200

  17. Please sir, i have upper credit in my ND result but 2 sittig in 0 level, can i apply for direct entry

  18. Good Day Sir am Graduate of Computer Science OND with Upper credit and i want to apply for the same course in UI please do i stand a chance to get admitted

  19. Please sir do direct entry applicants of University of ibadan sits for post utme exam?
    I heard that direct entry students doesn’t sits for post utme exam

  20. I graduated from Oyo state college of agriculture with distinction and with a cgpa of 4.52
    What are my chances? I studied computer engineering and I want to apply to the department of electrical engineer

  21. Please sir, I graduated from Oyo state college of agriculture and technology with a cpga of 3.36 in the department of public administration, and I want to apply for mass communication in u.I direct entry. Please sir, how am I to go about it?.

  22. Please sir, I graduated from Oyo state college of agriculture and technology with a cpga of 3.36 in the department of public administration and I want to apply for mass communication in u.i direct entry, please Sir,how am I to go about it?

  23. Please sir, I graduated from Olabisi onabanjo university with a cgpa of 3.33 in the department of pharmacology and I want to apply for pharmacy in u.i direct entry, please Sir,how am I to go about it? And can i apply base on this my cgpa?

  24. Pls Sir,am A Graduate With Upper Credit OND In Fedpoffa,science Lab. Tech,i Want To Study Microbiology Am I Gud To Go.And Also Do I Need To Sit For Jamb Before Buying Direct Entry Form

  25. Pls sir, I have OND in social work from social development institute an affiliate of OOU, I want to apply for direct entry in ui for agricultural economics. Hope it’s possible?

  26. Good afternoon sir…Do UI accept Biochemistry as DE into Nursing science as l studied Biochemistry at Ekiti state University…l graduated with a cgpa of 4.37….Secondly,Do DE applicant sit for Post utme also?……Thanks sir

  27. Good afternoon sir…Do UI accept Biochemistry as DE into Nursing science as l studied Biochemistryk at Ekiti state University…l graduated with a cgpa of 4.37….Secondly,Do DE applicant sit for Post utme also?……Thanks sir

    1. Good morning sir…Do UI accept Biochemistry as DE into Nursing science as l studied Biochemistryk at Ekiti state University…l graduated with a cgpa of 4.37

  28. Good afternoon sir…Do UI accept Biochemistry as DE into Nursing science as l studied Biochemistry at Ekiti state University…l graduated with a cgpa of 4.37

  29. Good evening! I graduated with a CGPA of 4.48 in the department of Microbiology, Kogi State University. I applied to study Medicine and Surgery at the University of Ibadan through Direct entry. Please, I want to my chances of getting admitted. And i’ll be glad if I can get to know whichever calculations involved.

  30. Good evening, I graduated from senior high school with a good result except literature in English in which I got a d and I want to study archeology (arts) uncombined , I want to apply for a direct entry .
    Can I sub it with yoruba or religious studies.

  31. Hello, pls I have a strong second class upper in Accounting , can I use it to study Law? If yes what is the requirements.

  32. Please sir, i have upper credit in my ND result but 2 sittig in 0 level, can i apply for direct entry. Course: computer science and what of if I want to change the course instead?

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