50 Best Scholarships for Students with Disabilities 2021

50 Best Scholarships for Students If you are disabled I truly understand how you feel. Hopeless, rejected and disabled for real.

Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Portrait of large group of students looking at the camera. One young man is in a wheelchair. Isolated on white.

The thought of you sat me up to create an article that will be useful enough to give you hope even when you feel hopeless about your future.

I know a lot of you wish there was an opportunity for you to go to school just like the other individuals who are not physically challenged like you.

Now, there is hope for you. The hope is that there are many special scholarship and financial aid opportunities intended just for you just like the others because you deserve it.

The purpose of this article is to bring to your awareness the available 50 Best Scholarships for Students with Disabilities.

This should call for a smile on your face for there are still good people who care and thinks about you.

These scholarships are offered by private companies, organizations, schools and more and these funds are not meant to be paid back.

Here are some of the available scholarships for students with disabilities:

Table of Contents

1. 180 Medical College Scholarship Program

The College Scholarship Program was established by 180 Medical Inc.

It is committed to awarding five $1,000 scholarships annually to students who are under a physician’s care for spinal cord injuries, transverse myelitis, spinal bifida, and/or neurogenic bladder.

Applicants for the program must be a citizen of the USA and be attending an accredited U.S. university to pursue an associates, undergraduate, or graduate degree in a field of their choice.

Together with the application, candidates must write a 750 word maximum essay on their long-term goals to overcome adversity in their life.

Deadline: June 1st

For more information, Contact:

180 Medical College Scholarship Program
5324 W. Reno, Suite A
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
(877) 688-2729
Email: scholarships@180medical.com

2. 1800wheelchair.com Scholarship

As a corporation that concentrates on the sale of various kinds of medical equipment for individuals with disabilities, 1800wheelchair.com offers two $500 scholarships yearly to students who face mobility issues on a college campus.

An applicant must be a high school senior or currently enrolled undergraduate student at an endorsed college or university in the United States with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 or higher.

On the application, it is necessary for students to write an essay or a poem between 750 and 1,000 words answering the provided questions.

For more information, Contact:

1800wheelchair.com Scholarship
320 Roebling St. Suite 515
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 302-1923
Email: info@1800wheelchair.com

Deadline: January 5th.

3. Alice Chavez Pardini Education Advancement Grant

This scholarship is sponsored by the San Francisco Chapter of the California Council of the Blind.

The Alice Chavez Pardini Education Advancement Grant offers up to $2,500 to a legally blind student who proves a need for assistance in improving his or her access to education.

In order to be offered the scholarship, applicants must be residents within one of the countries of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Marin, or Contra Costa in California.

For more information, Contact:

Alice Chavez Pardini Education Advancement Grant
966 Union St.
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 775-0487

Deadline: October 31st

4. CAPED General Excellence Scholarship

Every year, the California Association for Postsecondary Education and Disability (CAPED) awards a $1,500 General Excellence Scholarship to celebrate the successes of students with disabilities.

This scholarship is only offered to college students enrolled in at least six semester units at a California public or private institution that show high academic standing with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Preference is also given to applicants who are strongly engaged in his or her community and campus life.

For more information Contact:

CAPED General Excellence Scholarship
10073 Valley View St. #242
Cypress, CA 90630
(562) 397-2810
Email: shapiro@sbcc.net

Deadline: September 13th

5. Cleft Palate Foundation Scholarships

The Cleft Palate Foundation offers a minimum of three scholarships worth $500 each year to full-time college students enrolled in an endorsed higher institution in the United States who have craniofacial anomalies.

Together with the completed application, students must submit recommendation letter for an academic advisor, along with medical documentation for a craniofacial anomaly, and an official transcript.

Selection is based on academic performance, leadership skills, and community/extracurricular involvement.

For more information, Contact:

Cleft Palate Foundation Scholarships
1504 East Franklin St. Suite 102
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 933-9044
Email: info@cleftline.org

Deadline: February 1st

6. Disabled War Veterans Scholarships

The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) awards merit-based scholarships anually for $2,500 each to help honorably discharged veterans and disabled veterans of the U.S. military who are presently enrolled full-time in an endorsed university.

Applicants for the scholarships must be majoring in areas related to engineering, technology, information systems, security, physics, ,  computer science, or mathematics.

Candidates are expected to submit a copy of their Certificate of Service, discharged Form DD214, or a copy of their current Coast Guard Identification Card.

For more information, Contact:

Disabled War Veterans Scholarships
4400 Fair Lakes Court

Fairfax, VA 22033
(703) 631-6100
Email: ScholarshipsInfo@afcea.org

Deadline: November 15th

7. DisABLEDperson Inc. Scholarship

On annual basis, disABLEDperson Inc. hosts a nationally based scholarship competition for a leading prize of $2,000 mainly for full-time U.S. college students with mental or physical impairments.

To be a participant, students need to compose an essay with a maximum of 750 words in response to a given time. Upon winning the prize, recipients need to prove their disability through the Disability Student Services department.

For more information Contact:

DisABLEDperson Inc. Scholarship
P.O. Box 230636
Encinitas, CA 92023
(760) 420-1269
Email: info@disabledperson.com

Deadline: October 19th

8. Foundation for Science and Disability Student Award Program

The Foundation gives the Student Award Program to graduate and professional students with disabilities who are interested in research opportunities in science, mathematics, technology, engineering, and medicine.

After funding in the Graduate Student Grant Fund, senior undergraduate students can obtain an award of $1,000 to cover the costs of attending an endorsed graduate program related to further knowledge in the sciences.

For more information, Contact:

Foundation for Science and Disability Science Student Grant Fund
503 NW 89th St.
Gainesville, FL 32607
(352) 374-5774

Deadline: December 1st

9. Gabriel’s Foundation of Hope Scholarships

Gabriel who was born with severe congenital birth defects in 1990, the Gabriel’s Foundation of Hope offers several $500 scholarships yearly.

Eligible applicants include college students active with a diagnosed disability, students yearning to work in a field that will benefit the disabled community, and immediately family members who live with a person with a disability and are looking for financial assistance to further their education.

For more information, Contact:

Gabriel’s Foundation of Hope Scholarships
P.O. Box 2437
Woodinville, WA 98072
(206) 715-0134

Deadline: June 2nd

10. Google Lime Scholarship Program

Partnered with Google, the non-profit organization Lime Connect offers $10,000 scholarships for college students with disabilities in the United States to become future leaders in the area of computer science and technology.

Applicants who are eligible must be enrolled full-time in an accredited university, exemplify leadership, maintain a strong academic performance, and demonstrate a strong desire for technology.

Recipients of the scholarships are encouraged to join the annual Google Scholars’ Retreat.

For more information, Contact:

Google Lime Scholarship Program
590 Madison Avenue, 21st Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 521-4469

Deadline: December 2nd

11. Incight Go-Getter Scholarship

Every year, Incight gives up to one hundred Go-Getter Scholarships for students with disabilities who have portrayed outstanding academic achievement and community service involvement while overcoming challenging problems.

To obtain the awards ranging in worth from $500 to $2,500, applicants must be physically or mentally disabled, with a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher, and at least two recommendation letters to be considered eligible.

For more info, Contact

Incight Go-Getter Scholarship
310 SW Fourth Ave. Suite 630
Portland, OR 97204
(971) 244-0305
Email: questions@incight.org

Deadline: April 2nd

12. JCS Newhoff Scholarship

This diagnosed Learning Disability scholarship is available annualy to high school seniors graduating within the Baltimore Metropolitan area.

Scholarships should be applied as assistance for pursuing a vocational, trade, college, or university education at an endorsed higher learning institution in the United States.

While evaluating applications, the committee searches for students who demonstrate great financial need, high academic potential, and involvement in extracurricular activities within the Jewish community.

For more info, Contact:

JCS Newhoff Scholarship
5750 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
(410) 466-9200
Email: info@jcsbaltimore.org

Deadline: March 15th

13. John Weir Academic Scholarship

The John Weir Academic Scholarship is offered yearly by the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living (CIL) to exceptional students harassed with disabilities.

Even though most receive a one-time scholarship ranging from $50 to $450, one lucky candidate will be offered a $500 scholarship with an opportunity to continue receiving three more $500 grants through his or her academic career.

Applicants must be high school seniors living in Washtenaw, Monroe, or Livingston counties in Michigan in order be eligible and planning to attend a two or four-year university in the state.

For more info, Contact

John Weir Academic Scholarship
3941 Research Park Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
(734) 971-0277 ext. 17
Email: anna@aacil.org

Deadline: February 15th

14. Kristofer Robinson Scholarship Fund

The Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) gives the Kristofer Robinson Scholarship yearly to paraplegic and quadriplegic students.

In order to obtain the $5,000 award and renew the scholarship for up to four years, applicants must be a legal resident of Texas, attend an endorsed school in Texas, and in need of financial assistance to cover the costs of tuition or other academic expenses.

Within the application packet, candidates must submit a copy of their most recent college transcript, two recommendation forms, and a signed copy of the latest tax return from their parent or legal guardian.

For more info, Contact:

Kristofer Robinson Scholarship Fund
5500 Caruth Haven Lane
Dallas, TX 75225
(214) 750-4222
Email: scholarships@cftexas.org

Deadline: Unrestricted

15. Lilly Reintegration Scholarship

The Lilly Reintegration Scholarship from the Center for Reintegration is established to provide financial assistance to students who have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder.

Eligible applicants must have documentation proving the diagnosis from a mental health professional, be currently receiving treatment for the illness, be actively involved in rehabilitative effort services, and be enrolled in an accredited U.S. program at the vocational, associates, undergraduate, or graduate level.

For more info, Contact:

Lilly Reintegration Scholarship
310 Busse Highway
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(800) 809-8202
Email: lillyscholarships@reintegration.com

Deadline: January 31st

16. Loreen Arbus Focus on Disability Scholarships

From the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Foundation, the Loreen Arbus Focus on Disability Scholarships award $10,000 to two deserving student producers annually whose work sheds light on the daily battle with disabilities.

Eligible applicants for the scholarship must be full-time female undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at an accredited university.

The winning films will be showcased in a special screening at the Television Academy Foundation’s Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre in North Hollywood and recipients will also receive complimentary tickets to the annual Gracie Awards Luncheon in New York City.

For more info, Contact:

Loreen Arbus Focus on Disability Scholarships
5220 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Email: ENTUSTeamTVAcademy@pmkbnc.com

Deadline: January 14th

17. Nancy J. Bloch Leadership and Advocacy Scholarship

Every summer, the National Association of the Deaf offers the Nancy J. Bloch Leadership and Advocacy Scholarship for qualified applicants to spend the summer at their headquarters to actively participate in NAD advocacy efforts for the betterment of the American deaf community.

One applicant pursuing a Juris Doctor degree in law school will earn a full $6,000 stipend, while two applicants at the baccalaureate level will receive stipends of $3,000 apiece.

Eligible applicants must be currently enrolled in academic studies related to law, public policy, or non-profit management within the U.S.

For more information, Contact:

Nancy J. Bloch Leadership and Advocacy Scholarship
8630 Fenton Street, Suite 820
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 587-1789
Email: nad.info@nad.org

Deadline: March 22nd

18. National MS Society Scholarship Program

The National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society awards bi-annual scholarships to financially assist highly accomplished qualified students who have been diagnosed with MS or who have a parent or legal guardian with MS.

Eligible applicants must be current high school seniors or graduates who will be attending an accredited postsecondary institution within the United States for at least six credit hours per semester.

Scholarships from the Society range from $1,000 to $3,000 depending on eligibility criteria and financial need.

For more info, Contact:

National MS Society Scholarship Program
1100 New York Ave. NW Suite 660
Washington, DC 20005
(866) 675-4787

Deadline: January 15th and October 1st

19. OAR Scholarship Program

Funded by the beloved Schwallie Family, the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) provides scholarships for tuition assistance to qualified undergraduate students who have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum and are pursuing a two or four-year degree full-time in the United States.

Although the organization respects the sensitivity of medical information by assuming applicants have an autism diagnosis, finalists will need to submit documentation of the diagnosis to receive the funds.

In addition, applicants will need to provide a personal letter and at least one letter of recommendation.

For more info, Contact:

OAR Scholarship Program
2000 North 14th St. Suite 240
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 243-9710
Email: run@researchautism.org

Deadline: April 26th

20. Sacks for CF Scholarship

The Boomer Esiason Foundation offers scholarships ranging from $3,000 and $10,000 to undergraduate and graduate students who have been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.

As the name suggests, the program receives more funding from each sack made during Monday Night Football every season.

In order to become one of the 30 chosen recipients for the awards, applicants must submit an application, letter from physician confirming diagnosis, official college transcript, detailed breakdown of financial aid from academic institution, and W2 forms from both parents or legal guardians.

For more info, Contact:

Sacks for CF Scholarship
483 10th Ave. Suite 300
New York, NY 10018
(646) 292-7930

Deadline: January 11th

21. Scholarship for People with Disabilities

Each year, the Scholarship for People with Disabilities is awarded to eligible individuals with physical and/or sensory disabilities in order to assist with pursuing their educational and career goals.

To be granted the scholarship for up to $1,000, qualified candidates must be U.S. citizens, residents of Minnesota, and a recipient of Courage Center services.

Students must be enrolled as an undergraduate at an accredited institution in the state and carry a minimum of full-time coursework.

For more info, Contact:

Scholarship for People with Disabilities
3915 Golden Valley Rd.
Minneapolis, MN 55422
(763) 588-0811
Email: Information@CourageCenter.org

Deadline: May 31st

22. Scholarship Trust for the Hearing Impaired

The Travelers Protective Association of America (TPA) has established the Scholarship Trust Fund for the Hearing Impaired to provide scholarship assistance to individuals who suffer from deafness or hearing impairments.

Supported by gifts from members and corporations, the scholarships are designed to help students gain access to the mechanical devices, specialized medical treatment, and education accommodations directly related to their impairment.

For more info, Contact:

Scholarship Trust for the Hearing Impaired
3755 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, Missouri 63108
(314) 371-0533
Email: support@tpahq.org

Deadline: March 1st

23. The Anne Ford and Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarships

The National Center for Learning Disabilities grants the Anne Ford and Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarships annually to two graduating high school seniors with documented learning disabilities who are seeking assistance to pursue a postsecondary degree.

Since recipients of the scholarship must be accepted into a full-time bachelor’s degree program, Anne Ford Scholars are awarded $2,500 each year for four years for a total of $10,000 in funds.

Along with the application, candidates must submit a personal statement, high school transcript copy, three letters of recommendation, financial statement, all standardized test scores, and medical proof of a specific learning disability.

For more info: Contact,

The Anne Ford and Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarships
381 Park Ave. South, Suite 1401
New York, NY 10016
(212) 545-7510

Email: mailto:ncld@ncld.org

Deadline: December 31st

24. Through the Looking Glass Scholarships for Students with Parents with Disabilities

Sponsored by the National Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families, the Through the Looking Glass scholarships are awarded to outstanding high school seniors and enrolled undergraduate college students who have parents with disabilities.

In order to receive one of the 15 scholarships worth $1,000 apiece, eligible applicants must be planning to attend or are currently enrolled in a two or four-year degree program at an accredited institution.

Selection by the committee is made based on academic performance, community involvement, letters of recommendation, and an essay describing applicants’ experiences of growing up with a disabled parent.

For more info, Contact

Through the Looking Glass Scholarships for Students with Parents with Disabilities
3075 Adeline St. Suite 120
Berkeley, CA 94703
(510) 848-1005
Email: hr@lookingglass.org

Deadline: March 11th

25. Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired Scholarships

Each year, the Wisconsin Council of the Blind is offering scholarships up to $1,500 in value for Wisconsin students who are legally blind or visually impaired.

Eligible applicants for the awards must be residents of the state, have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher, and a visual field of 20 degrees or less.

The scholarships are only granted to students who are enrolled part-time or full-time within a college of university program to pursue an undergraduate degree.

Deadline: April 8th

26. Immune Deficiency Foundation

The Immune Deficiency Foundation is the national patient organization dedicated to improving the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life of persons with primary immunodeficiency diseases through advocacy, education and research.

Their scholarship program provides scholarships to undergraduate students living with primary immunodeficiency diseases who plan on completing their secondary education.

For information visit primaryimmune.org/services/idf-academic-scholarship-programs.

27. Incight go Getter Scholarships

Incight’s mission is to cause success in education, employment, networking, and independence for people with disabilities.

As a part of that, Incight gives out about 100 national scholarships, with a preference to west coast students, every year to individuals pursuing a post-secondary education.

For information visit www.incighteducation.org

28Sertoma International

Sertoma’s Scholarship for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing, is the principal funder of the scholarships for deaf and hard of hearing students since the program’s inception in 1994.

Students with clinically significant bilateral hearing loss, graduating from high school, or undergraduate students pursuing four-year college degrees in any discipline are qualified for the scholarship.

Visit them at www.sertoma.org/Scholarships

29. Lighthouse, Inc.

The Lighthouse International’s Scholarship and Career Awards program recognizes outstanding students for overcoming the challenges of vision loss, and helps them to pursue higher education and nurtures their career aspirations.

For more information visit:


30. National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind is the biggest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the United States.

To recognize achievement made by blind scholars, the National Federation of the Blind yearly gives blind college students in the United States and Puerto Rico the opportunity to win one of thirty national scholarships value from $3,000 to $12,000.

To apply, visit:


31. National Hemophilia Foundation

Applicants must be individuals diagnosed with either hemophilia A/or B and a high school senior, with aspirations of attending an institute of higher education (college, university or vocational-technical school) or a college student already chasing a post-secondary education.

For details, see www.hemophilia.org/NHFWeb/MainPgs/MainNHF.aspx?menuid=54&contentid=35

32. National MS Society Scholarship Program

National MS Society’s scholarship program is available  to help highly qualified students who have been diagnosed with MS or who have a parent with MS achieve their thoughts of going to college.

For information visit:


33. P. Buckley Moss Society

The P. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship is meant for one or more high school seniors with financial need, with certified language-related learning difference and artistic talent, who plot a career in visual arts.

For information visit:


34. Patient Advocate Foundation

PAF provides an educational scholarships to those who have suffered (or are suffering) a life threatening disease or chronic condition.

These students have, notwithstanding their disease/condition, excelled academically, server the community, and wish to pursue a secondary education.

For details see:


35. CFCareforward Scholarship

The CFCareForward Scholarship was established to honor young adults with cystic fibrosis as they pursue goals of higher education.

For details, see www.cfcareforwardscholarship.com

36. Spina Bifida Association of America

SBA’s scholarship program was created in 1988 to enhance opportunities for persons born with Spina Bifida to achieve their full potential through higher education.

SBA scholarship makes it possible for the student to choose educational pursuits that may otherwise be outside of financial reach.

For more information, visit www.spinabifidaassociation.org/site/c.evKRI7OXIoJ8H/b.8095317/k.9125/Scholarships.htm

37. Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults

The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults is committed to assisting young adults continue their education after being affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.

For more information, visit ulmanfund.org/scholarships

38. MyBiosource Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

MyBioSource is pleased to offer the MyBioSource Inc. Scholarship for Students with Disabilities.

With this scholarship, students will be able to have MyBioSource assist them with the costs of necessities that come with getting a greater education.

The world needs to establish an environment where everyone is included and respected and MyBioSource wants to bring awareness to that need.

39. Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Scholarships are restricted to individuals who are pre-lingual deaf or hard of hearing and who use speech or speech reading to communicate.

Search scholarships on their website at www.listeningandspokenlanguage.org/SearchResults.aspx?search=scholarships

40. National Center for Learning Disabilities

The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) works to make sure that the nation’s 15 million children, adolescents, and adults with learning disabilities have every opportunity to succeed in school, work, and life.

Visit their scholarship page at www.ncld.org/scholarships-and-awards

41. Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

Scholarships are restricted to applicants who are legally blind and are studying for a career in the field of services to persons who are blind or visually deformed.

Visit their website at www.aerbvi.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=506.

42. Blinded Veterans Association

Spouses and dependent children of blinded veterans are qualified for the annual Kathern F. Gruber Scholarship and Thomas H. Miller Awards to help them with their higher education tuition.

Visit www.bva.org/services.html (scroll down for scholarship info).

43. Chairscholars Foundation, Inc.

ChairScholars Foundation offers scholarships for college and vocational training to low-income students with severe physical disabilities enabling them the opportunity to pursue their dreams because “no physical impairment should deter a motivated mind.”

For information on their scholarship program, visit http://www.chairscholars.org/index.php/apply-for-a-scholarship/national-program

44. Christian Record Services, Inc.

Partial scholarships are given to legally blind young people striving to obtain a college education.

Visit www.christianrecord.org/services/scholarships.php for more information.

45. Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI)

Scholarships are restricted to students with low vision or who are entering the field of low vision.

Visit www.cclvi.org/Scholarship/scholarship.html for more information.

46. Drugreporter.Com 

An essay-based scholarship for students attending law school or other 4 year college program. it is open to students with a physical or learning disability.

Visit drugreporter.com/scholarships for more information.

47. Hearing Bridges Foundation

Bridges helps to unite the Deaf, the hard of hearing and the hearing communities through education, services and support, empowering individuals to attain their full potential.

For details about their scholarship program, visit www.hearingbridges.org/scholarships.

48. Foundation for Science and Disability, Inc.

The Student Award Program of FSD aids to increase opportunities in science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and pre‑medical/dental areas for graduate or professional students with disabilities.

For more information visit www.stemd.org

49. Graduate Fellowship Fund Gallaudet University Alumni Association

Gallaudet’s GFF is used to offer financial assistance to deaf graduates of Gallaudet University and other endorsed colleges and universities in pursuit of graduate study at colleges and universities for people who hear normally.

For more information visit www.gallaudet.edu

50. Hydrocephalus Association

The Hydrocephalus Association is pleased give scholarships to young adults with hydrocephalus. The scholarships are $1,000 each.

For details, visit www.hydroassoc.org./index.php?s=scholarships.

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One Comment

  1. Hello, I’m Victory, a girl from Nigeria, West Africa
    And I have a sister with disability, but the special need schools here in Nigeria have high tuition fees which my parents can’t afford, I read conditions for scholarship for disabled people but most of them are entitled to only US citizens, I decided to leave a comment here to see if anyone or scholarship organization can reach out to us.

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