Possible Questions From JAMB Novel “In Dependence”
Possible Questions From JAMB Novel “In Dependence”. Many candidates that have registered for the 2017 UTME and obtained the newly introduced Novel “In Dependence,” must have finished reading the book (that is for those that enjoy reading novels).
Already many have started asking of questions they are to expect during the examination.
At the moment I have come up with few questions from the first two chapters of the book.
With time, more questions will be included.
However, we advise candidates to ensure they finish the whole book before the examination as the reason for this is just to give you an idea of how the questions will likely be presented.
Table of Contents
Questions From JAMB Novel “In Dependence”
The option in asteriks(*) indicates the right answer.
1. Modupe and Tayo always visit where at dark hours
*A. Lebanese Cinema*
B. Hill’s Club
C. Auvergne’s Theatre
D. Las Palmas de Club
2. “Here is some money for the ladies”; The speaker here is ________
A. Uncle Kayode
B. Yusuf(Tayo’s friend)
C. Mr. Adeniyi Ajayi
*D. Uncle B*
3. It was said in the letter written to Inspector Adeniyi Ajayi, that Tayo met King Olav’s son from ________
A. South Africa
B. London
*C. Norway*
D. Brazil
4. Mr. Ike Nwandi, studies _______ abroad
A. Latin
*B. History*
C. Law
D. Modern Languages
5. What was Uncle Kayode’s job rank before his return from Abroad?
A. FBI agent
B. Lieutenant
*C. Senior Army Officer*
D. Superintendent
No options for the following;
6. A simile embroidered to qualify Mr. Ajayi’s silver car was Answer: *It was glistened like a fresh river fish*
7. Before Tayo’s travel, He presumed that Uncle Bola held Answer:*the secret to a woman’s heart*
8. In the last sentence of Mr. Ajayi’s letter to his son was their family’s motto which states Answer:*In all things moderation, with exception of study*
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