PSY 105 Past Questions and Answers – Department of Psychology

PSY 105 Past Questions and Answers – Department of Psychology, UI PSY Past Questions, UI DLC Past Questions And Answers

PSY 105 Past Questions and Answers

PSY 105 Question.

Table of Contents

NOTE: The Correct Answer Is Marked With Asterisks (*********)

1. For an experiment to take place which of the following must be in place?
A. An extraneous variable
B. A dependent variable
C. An independent variable
D. All of the above************

2. The idea projected in the essay on a new theory of vision involves the following except;
A. Distance is not immediately perceived by the eye
B. A prototype for later associationist accounts
C. Different sensations corresponding to the different dispositions of the eye
D. An explicit discussion on immaterialism**********

3. Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain was written by which of these authors
A. Charles Bell*********
B. Jan Evangelista Purkyne
C. Thomas Brown
D. David Hartley

4. Name the variable involved when an experiment is conducted to investigate how long it takes for a car to stop upon siting a red light.
A. Independent variable.
B. Extraneous variable.
C. Dependent variable*********
D. Control variable.

5. Thomas Brown is noted for which of the following contributions
A. emphasize the “muscle sense.”***********
B. Imbalanced in sensory-motor view by including the sensory side of movemen
C. The mind could not be both the subject and the object of the same observation
D. All of the above.

6. Which of these statements is correct about experiments?
A. Experiments are conducted to replicate previous findings.
B. Experiments are to advance scientific knowledge
C. Experiments are done to replicate what has been done before.
D. All of the above.**********

7. For a study to be considered an experiment which of these special features is not necessary
A. Two values********
B. One experimenter
C. Two levels of the environment
D. One condition must be compared with each other.

8. Immanuel Kant’s work “Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht” published in 1798 was Long ignored because of which of the following reasons
A. emphasies on the nature of cognitive powers
B. pronounced sympathy physiognomy**********
C. feelings of pleasure and displeasure
D. analysis on the nature of affect and passion.

9. Which of these options is not an advantage for using multiple variables.
A. It is often more efficient to perform experiment with one independent variable************
B. Some control variables are more likely to be held constant.
C. Having more independent variables gives opportunity to have more results from a single study.
D. It is easier to Generalize results.

10. According to Boring (1950),Experimental Psychologist should avoid which of the following;
A. Combining historical sophistication with experience in technical procedures.
B. History of past Psychologist and their contributions.
C. Evaluate the full significance of new concepts and techniques.
D. Not paying attention to the significance of new concepts.**********

11. The response measure of an experiment which is due to the manipulation of the environment is regarded as a
A. Independent variable.
B. Reaction time.
C. Dependent variable.********
D. Concomittant variable.

12. The formal begining of experimental psychology started with the works of which of the following authors
A. Gustav Theodor Fechner.*************
B. Friedrich Herbart
C. Wilhelm Wundt.
D. Jan Evangelista Purkyne.

13. Which of these authors contribution contains an existence proof for the possibility of establishing quantitative relationship between variations in physical and mental events
A. Thomas Brown
B. Jan Evangelista Purkyne
C. Friedrich Herbart
D. Ernst Heinrich Weber**********

14. In a study, where only females teachers are considered, sex and occupation are regarded as
A. Manipulated variables**********
B. Controlled
C. Extraneous
D. concomittant.

15. which of the following authors stipulated the conditions that must be considered before Psychology can be considered as an emperical science
A. George Berkeley
B. Immanuel Kant*********
C. Thomas Reid
D. David Hartley

16. An experiment must have which of the following
A. at least two values
B. controlled environment
C. at least two levels
D. All of the above.***********

17. when an experimenter choose the same Colour of lights, shape of light and intensity of light in an experiment. Light is regarded as the
A. Independent variable.
B. Extraneous variable.
C. Dependent variable.
D. Control variable.*************

18. Among all these authors who established the first psychology laboratory.
A. Ernst Heinrich Weber
B. Gustav Theodor Fechner.
C. Franciscus Cornelis Donders
D. Wilhelm Wundt.*************

19. The father of experimental psychology is
A. Ernst Heinrich Weber
B. Gustav Theodor Fechner.
C. Franciscus Cornelis Donders
D. Wilhelm Wundt.|****************

20. Assimilation of the reaction-time procedures to psychology was introduced by
A. Ernst Heinrich Weber
B. Gustav Theodor Fechner.
C. Franciscus Cornelis Donders************
D. Wilhelm Wundt.

21. Which of these effects can prevent the influence of an independent variable from being adequately reflected in a dependent variable
A. The impact of the floor effect
B. The impact of both the floor and the ceiling effect**********
C. The impact ofthe ceiling effect
D. The inclusion of an extraneous variable.

22. Which of these contributions is not included in the contributions of Johannes Müller.
A. Relationship between the mind and the body.
B. Relationship of the mind to the empirical world.
C. Relationship of mind to brain and nervous system.
D. None of the above.**************

23. Another name for an outcome variable is
A. Independent variable.
B. Concomittant variable
C. Dependent variable**********
D. extraneous variable.

24. Which of these procedures is a way to control extraneous variables
A. The particu;ar variable is held constant during an experiment.
B. All the salient variables are brought under strict control
C. Though the use of statistical techniques
D. All of the above.**********

25. Reaction-time means
A. The time taken to respond to a stimulus under conditions of choice and simple non-choice***********
B. computed interval taken before the decision process is activated
C. Addition of simple nonchoice from choice reaction-time.
D. All of the above.

26. Which of these authors is considered as the founder of structuralism school of psychology
A. Ernst Heinrich Weber
B. Gustav Theodor Fechner.
C. Franciscus Cornelis Donders
D. Wilhelm Wundt************

27. In an ideal experiment, any difference in outcome which may be due to manipulation of all but one independent variable, that particular variable is regarded as
A. Controlled variable************
B. A variable of interest
C. A variable held constant
D. All of the above.

28. Which of these authors is famous for experiments on application to the eyeball of pressure and electrical current
A. Thomas Brown
B. Jan Evangelista Purkyne***********
C. Friedrich Herbart
D. Ernst Heinrich Weber

29. The notion of stability in a good dependent variable means that
A. Acceptance of a null result due to the adequate manipulation done by the experimenter.
B. When an experiment is repeated with the same participant, same levels of independent variable, and the dependent variable yield the same score as it did previously***********
C. Obtaining the same result due to the deficit in the way we measure some dependent variable
D. Obtaining a Null result due to inadequcy in the dependent variable.

30. Essay Concerning Human Understanding was written by
A. Immanuel Kant
B. John Locke***********
C. Geaorge Berkeley
D. Thomas Hartley

31. Which of these authors is famous for the phrase Just Noticeable Difference
A. Thomas Brown
B. Jan Evangelista Purkyne
C. Friedrich Herbart
D. Ernst Heinrich Weber***********

32. Herbart’s famous concept of “apperception” connotes that
A. As original idea is pulled up by new idea, similar ideas cling to it.
B. An idea is not only made conscious but is assimilated**********
C. No idea can rise except to take its place in the unitary mass of ideas already present in consciousness.
D. All of the above.

33. A researcher wants to know the effect of police presence on the voting behaviour of voters in a community. Identify the dependent variable in such study.
A. The researcher
B. Voting behaviour*********
C. Effect of Police presence.
D. The voters in the community.

34. one advantage laboratory experiments has over other research methods is that
A. The experimenter has a greater control of the independent variables**********
B. The ability to hold control variables constant is greatly limited.
C. The problem of extraneous variation occurs more often.
D. Null results often occur in a laboratory experiment.

35. The book “An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense” was published by
A. George Berkeley
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Thomas Reid***********
D. David Hartley

36. Which of these assumptions is true according to Friedrich Herbart
A. Ideas of the same sort attracts each other
B. ideas of different sorts repels each other
C. ideas of the same sort oppose one another*************
D. Ideas often takes their root from the subconcious.

37. Which of these faetures is not a necessary condition fir experiment to take place.
A. The independent variable
B. The extraneous variable***********
C. The dependent varaible
D. The experimenter.

38. Which of these authors did not indicate quantitative parameters among ideas in experimental psychology
A. Thomas Brown**************
B. Jan Evangelista Purkyne
C. Friedrich Herbart
D. Ernst Heinrich Weber

39. Which of these statements is not true about the reason we conduct experiments
A. To test theories that are relevant to the study.
B. Studies are arranged in such a way that the experimenter is able to anticipate the outcoome of studies.************
C. To gather data in relation to the study of interest
D. The experimenter is at liberty to select the independent variables of study.

40. The Cartesian dualism means
A. The mind and the body interact.
B. The mind and body are the same.
C. The mind and the body are separate entities***********
D. The body is governed by animate objects.

41. The powers inherent in objects to produce sensations in the perceiver such as color, odor, or sound is regarded as the;
A. Primary quality
B. Tertiary quality.
C. secondary quality************
D. Perceptual quality.

42. The inner sense according to John Locke means;
A. the mind’s reflective experience of its own experience of things*************
B. the truth of our ideas.
C. the mind’s experience of things
D. None of the above.

43. Epistemology of the nervous system was more pronounced in which of the centuries
A. 17th century
B. 19th century************
C. 18th century
D. 20th century.

44. Assimilation of the reaction-time procedures to psychology was introduced by
A. Ernst Heinrich Weber
B. Gustav Theodor Fechner.
C. Franciscus Cornelis Donders**********
D. Wilhelm Wundt.

45. Berkeley’s “immaterialism is the notion of
A. Secondary quality***********
B. Primacy quality
C. Primary quality
D. Observations of the perceiver in objects

46. Which of the reasons below is the reason why more than one dependent is often not used in a single study.
A. It is statistically difficult to analyze at once.**********
B. When separate analysis are done for each of the dependent variables, much information is lost.
C. Many experimental psychologists have not been well trained in these multivariate statistical procedures.
D. All of the above.

47. Which of the following authours wrote essay towards a new theory of vision
A. George Berkeley*********
B. Immanuel Kant
C. John Locke
D. David Hartley

48. One of the greatest advantages of experiments
A. Ability to make statements about causation***********
B. Manipulation of independent variables.
C. The presence of extraneous variables
D. Holding variables constant

49. One of the advantages of experiment is economy. What does this mean?
A. Manipulation of the environment
B. In experiments, the experimenter prepare his subjects to fit into the study with minimum amount of money.
C. The cost of conducting experiment is relatively cheaper than other ways of conducting research.
D. Unlike some other research design where you have to wait for mother nature to do her work, you create the needed environment in experiments.***********

50. Epistemology of the mind is greatly retarded by;
A. Cartesian Dualism
B. All of the above************
C. Discoveries about the science of the mind.
D. Believes that the body is governed by inanimate objects

Question 16

Which of the following is not an independent variable.

The brightness of a light

The number of food pellets given to a rat.

The work commitment of workers

The temperature of a room

Question 18

Étienne Bonnot de Condillac in his essay on Traité des sensations emphasized the following except

sensations transmitted through the outer sense

A form of the tabula rasa perspective.

reflection through the inner sense

designed to show that internal impressions

Question 19

Question 22

what type of experiment is referred to as a “what-if-experiment”

An experiment that is performed in the absence of a compelling theory.

An experiment that produced a result not expected by the experimenter.

An experiment that is performed to confirm cause effect relationship.

An experiment that is guided by a theory.

Question 23

The idea projected in the essay on a new theory of vision involves the following except;

Distance is not immediately perceived by the eye

An explicit discussion on immaterialism

Different sensations corresponding to the different dispositions of the eye

A prototype for later associationist accounts

Question 27

Question 5

When a child is given biscuits for its ability to identify the correct answer from a list of options and not when a wrong answer is given by the child. The variable

involved is a

Dependent variable.

Extraneous variable.

Independent variable.

Control variable.

Question 9

The scientist that is famous for the discoveries of the separation of mind and body is;

David Hartley

John Locke

George Berkeley


Question 26

Which of the following authors made a distinction between the sensory and the motor nerves

David Hartley

Immanuel Kant

Thomas Reid

Charles Bell

Question 7

The main advantage of experiment is better control of _____________ variable.

experimental effect.

extraneous variable.

independent variable.

dependent variable

Question 12

interaction effect in an experiment means that

The effect of multiple independent variable on the dependent variable.

The effect an independent variable has on another independent in an experiment.

The effect of the extraneous variable on the dependent variable.

The outcome variable is inluenced by the manipulation of the independent variable.

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