NYSC Notice To Batch A 2015 (Stream II) Corps Members
The DG congratulates all corps members in
the 2015 Batch ‘A’ Stream II for a successful
completion of the Orientation course
programme In addition,the DG admonishes
all corps members to be very careful as they
report to their various places of Primary
Assignment or states of relocation.
To this end,corps members are advised to
endeavour to travel during the day time in
registered vehicles in designated motor
parks. Corps members should caution
reckless drivers in a polite,acceptable
language and culture.
Corps members should avoid night
journeys. Corps members travelling to
security challenged States need not to wear
their NYSC kits.
While the NYSC Scheme looks forward for a
favourable report on your performance
from your host communities The DG wishes
all the corps members in the 2015 Batch ‘A’
a successful and rewarding service year.
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