NDU Course Registration Deadline – 2016/17 [NDU Course Registration Guideline]

Niger Delta University, NDU Course Registration Deadline For The 2016/2017 Academic Session Has Been Extended. See NDU Course Registration Guideline.

NDU Course Registration

The Managements of the Niger Delta University, Wilberforce wishes to inform all the students of the institution that the course registration deadline for 2016/2017 academic session has been extended.

NDU Senate extends Course Registration closure to Wednesday, August 9th 2017.
  • COMPUTATION / CHECKING OF RESULTS(for checking or computing of result click continue)
  • ONLINE COURSES REGISTRAION (for registration carefully read the following instructions)




VERY IMPORTANT: As you go through the registration process, always read information on the alerts that come up. They contain additional instructions / information.
  • Open a browser preferably Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome.
  • Go to the URL https://srm.sarmsndu.org
  • On the opened page read the instructions carefully, then click continue.
  • A new page is opened, then click the button labeled “Register Your Courses Online”.
  • Select “New Student” radio button option if you are a new student for the 2016/2017 session or select “Old student” option if you defered your admission last session (or you currently hold a matriculation number).
  • Enter your jamb number (for new student) or matriculation number (for old/defered student) in the appropriate box as indicated and shown in the example.
  • Enter your “Access Key” and your most popular GSM phone number in the next boxes respectively. Note your access key is in the rightmost part of the PIN given to you at the bursary.
Please Note:
For students registering only GST courses, obtain your PIN from the Mathematics/Computer Sc. Department after paying the neccessary fees at the bursary.
  • Select your level and academic session – 2016/2017 and submit.
  • Fill in the Bio data page that comes up as required.
  • Upload your passport photograph, which you scanned. Maximum size is about 14kb or 200 x 200 pixels. The top margin just above the head, bottom just above the breast and the sides just touching the arms. The two ears clearly visible.
Three steps are involved in uploading your passport
  1. (I.)____Click Browse, select the passport from the dialog box and open.
  2. (II.)___Click on “upload picture” and wait for an alert message confirming the passport is captured, click OK.
  3. (III.)__ Click the button again to display the passport. Please wait for the passport to appear before continuing.
  • (Notice that the “upload picture” caption on the picture button would have automatically changed to “Now display passport”. Click it now to show your passport.)
  • You can not submit the form without the passport displayed on the image box for your confirmation.
  • Fill the form if you have not done so and submit
  • Wait for the course registration page to appear. Tick all the courses you want to register and submit.
Some systems are slow, therefore before you submit the courses ticked, confirm that the total units selected agree with the total units you are to register for each semester.
The next page shows two buttons with the captions:
  1. “Display printable course form”
  2. “Register another Student”
  3. Click, “Display printable course form” button and check that the courses you have registered are correct.
NOW PRINT YOUR COURSE FORM (using the Print button at the bottom of the page. The button automatically changes caption to “Lock or Edit …”)
After printing the course form, click the “Lock or Edit…” button to start the process of locking the form and follow the alert instructions to lock your form. Locking it prevents anyone else from altering your registration.
To reprint your course registration form at any time simply repeat the registration process and you will be redirected, along the line, to print.
To lock the course form,
  1. visit the page https://srm.sarmsndu.org/cgpa/confirm-reg
  2. enter the Temporary/Matric. Number of your PIN and verify that the registration details are correct ,
  3. click “Start Locking the Form” button and enter your Access Key (i.e. the rightmost part of your PIN) ,
  4. click the button again or press enter .
On the event that you make mistake and discover it prior to locking the form, visit the page https://srm.sarmsndu.org/cgpa/confirm-re and make corrections or if the form has been locked, contact the system administrator:
( Joseph A. Erho, Department of Maths/Computer Science ).

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