2017 NABTEB Exam Result Statistics – 47.48% Had 5 Credits

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NABTEB Exam Result Statistics | National Business and Technical Examinations Board, NABTEB Releases 2017 Nov/Dec November/December 2017 NBC/NTC and ANBC/ANTC Examinations Results and Statistics.

NABTEB Exam Result Statistics

The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) has released the results of the 2017 November/December NBC/NTC and ANBC/ANTC examinations held nationwide between from Monday, 6th November to Friday 8th December, 2017.

Recommended: How to Check NABTEB 2017 Nov/Dec Exams Results.

Registrar/Chief Executive Officer of NABTEB, Prof. (Mrs.) Ifeoma Isiugo-Abanihe, who announced the release of the results in Benin yesterday, said a total of 45,088 candidates enrolled for the examinations in 1786 centres nationwide (40,746 candidates registered for the Ordinary Craft Level, 4,342 for Master Craft Level certificate). Of the total that enrolled, 44,197 candidates sat for the examinations, comprising 40,117 NBC/NTC and 4080 ANBC/ANTC candidates, representing 98.02% of the total enrolment.

According to the examination structure, candidates enrolled for 67 trades at both Ordinary and Advanced Levels as follows: 17 Engineering Trades; 7 Construction Trades; 9 Miscellaneous Trades, and 4 Business Trades at Ordinary Craft Level while at the Master Craft Level, candidates enrolled for 12 Engineering Trades, 7 Construction Trades, 7 Miscellaneous Trades, and 4 Business Trades.

Analysis of the results further reveals that 21,159 candidates representing 52.74% of candidates that sat for the NBC/NTC examinations, obtained five (5) credits and above including English Language and Mathematics whereas, 31,369 candidates representing 78.19% scored five (5) credits and above with or without English Language and Mathematics. This represents an improved performance compared to the previous year’s, 2016 November/December NBC/NTC results where 21,476 candidates representing 47.48% of candidates that sat for the examinations obtained five credits and above including English and Mathematics. Also, 33,365 candidates representing 73.77% scored five credits and above with or without English language and Mathematics.

It is important to note that out of the 10,177 candidates that sat for various trade examinations at Ordinary Level, 3,558 representing 34.96% were certified as craftsmen while 1,788 candidates, representing 47.39% of the 3,773 candidates that sat for the Advanced Level examination were certified as master craftsmen. Again, this represents an improved performance in the proportion of certified craftsmen compared to the 2016 series of the examination. In the 2016 result, out of 16, 396 candidates that sat for the trade examinations at Ordinary Level, only 4,195 candidates, representing 25.29% were certified as craftsmen; for the Advanced Level examination, 1,457 representing 39.39% of the total number of 3,699 candidates, were certified as master craftsmen.

Out of 44,197 candidates that sat for the certificate examination, only 759 candidates were involved in 1,124 incidences of examination malpractice representing 1.72% candidates. This translates to a marginal reduction from the figure of the last year, 2016 November/December certificate examinations, where 1,394 candidates representing 2.85% were involved in examination malpractice.

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