
What is N-Power Backlog Payment? N-Power Backlog Payment Update

What is N-Power Backlog Payment? N-Power Backlog Payment Update | When will I be paid? When Will I Receive N-Power Backlog Payment.

N-Power Backlog Payment

Let’s break the term down for a layman to understand. Backlog means to clear an issue which is on ground.

In relation to finance, backlog payment means the process of paying outstanding salary of workers.

For instance, if 100,000 workers are in your payroll, and you were able to pay 80,000, that means it remains 20,000 people to be paid.

Before paying the following month, you might opt to first clear the unpaid ones in the previous month. The 20,000 constitute backlog.

In the case of npower monthly stipend, some volunteers hadn’t got any salary, while some of them got one or two months out of the five months paid so far.

It’d be recalled that the federal government promised that outstanding salaries would be paid. The outstanding ones constitute the backlog payment, and they’re currently being paid.

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A few weeks ago, we shared on our Social media pages that N-Power would begin to pay the backlog owed to some beneficiaries.

Yesterday, the payment of the first batch of 43,000 beneficiaries commenced. The Federal Government continues to work tirelessly to ensure this experience beneficial and rewarding for you.

We believe that for every volunteer that is #NPowered, individual communities will benefit greatly.

The processing for payment for backlog of 16,000 beneficiaries have also begun and these should hit the payment stage.

For those who recently updated their account records in the last 4-6 weeks, they should expect payment by the end of August.

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  1. I Agundu Joshua comment that, de chairwoman are constrain by firebrand with stupendous sagacity. Any outstanding depth should b payed to all N-power beneficiary batch c stream 1 , plz the chairwoman should dramatize some magnanimity, love , for de interest of de citizens…

  2. I Agundu Joshua, emphasize on loan. They should not refer the N-power beneficiary to process the loan in l.G.A , because u won’t see then in there office. It will b a good thing if we process it in any of the computer center thank you . Plz our emolument are necessary to us

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