Mountain Top University Resumption Date 2015/2016 Announced
Mountain Top University Resumption Date 2015/2016 Academic Session Announced
The authorities of Mountain Top University wish to inform the general public particularly students and their parents and sponsors that the University will commence full academic activities for 2015/2016 Academic Session as outlined below:
1. Monday, 11th January, 2016
Arrival of all students/ Checking into Halls of Residence.
2. Monday, 11th – Tuesday, 12th January, 2016 Medical Tests for all Students
3. Wednesday, 13th – Friday, 15th January, 2016 Orientation Programme (Details to be published later).
4. Monday, 18th January, 2016 Commencement of Lectures
5. Payment School Fees:
Students are required to pay their fees either in full (or in part as specified) on or before the arrival date. Anyone who fails to meet this will not be admitted into the hostel.
6. Documents to be returned to the University, 2016:
Each student is to bring the Affidavit/Undertaking (already distributed during Matriculation) which should have been duly sworn to and signed in a High Court of Justice.
7. Checking into the Hostels:
Students would be required to declare items to be taken into the hostels upon resumption. Details of this will be made available in due course. Also, details of allocation into rooms will be provided ahead of resumption on campus.
8. Items:
Students are expected to bring Each student is expected to come along with some items that may provide minimum comfort and stress-free stay in the hall of residence. Click Here to view the items that are strongly recommended.
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