LAUTECH Important Notice To Students On Re- opening Of Registration Portal
Following the meeting that was held on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, Senate considered the need to have the
student portals re-opened to allow 200-500
level students who were yet to register on
account of their inability to pay their fees,
consequent on the economic realities in the
country, to do so before the
commencement of the 2014/2015
Harmattan Semesters examinations.
Senate eventually approved that:
(i) the portals be re-opened immediately
and be kept opened till midnight of Friday, July 10, 2015;
(ii) the 2014/2015 Harmattan Semester
Examinations should now commence as indicated below:
(a) 100 level examinations – Monday, June
29, 2015;
(b) 200 – 500 level examinations – Monday,
July 13, 2015.
All affected students are enjoined to take
advantage of this Senate’s magnanimity and
get registered before the expiration of the
new deadline (i.e. midnight of Friday, July
10, 2015).
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