LASU Opens Platforms for Complaints on Harmattan Semester GNS Result 2015/2016
Lagos State University, LASU Opens Platforms for Complaints on Harmattan Semester GNS Result For The 2015/2016 Academic Session
Sequel to series of complaints by the Students in the 2015/2016 Harmattan Semester,GNS Results, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Olanrewaju Fagbohun, has set up a GNS Review Committee to look into the complaints of the Students with a view to addressing the issue.
In view of the foregoing, all students with complaints on GNS Results for the2015/2016 Harmattan Semester, are to forward their complaints to their respective Faculty Officers for onward submission to the Mini Registry, Vice Chancellor’s Office.
Students can also forward their complaints to this e-mail to
Please note that the complaints will be entertained from Monday, 23rd May to twelve midnight [12:00a.m] of Sunday, 29th May, 2016.
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