Japanese Embassy Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarship Award 2015/2016 Is On-Apply Here

This is to inform the general public especially the interested applicants that Japanese Embassy Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarship Award application 2015/2016 has commenced. The Government of Japan through its embassy in Nigeria has proposed to provide scholarship awards for Nigerian students desirous of pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Japanese
Universities in the academic year
commencing in April or October, 2016.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology(MEXT)offers
scholarships to international students who
wish to study at Japanese universities as
undergraduate students under the Japanese
Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program
for 2016 as follows.

Those who wish to study in Japan as an
undergraduate student must choose a field
of study (major) from (1) or (2) below.
Applicants may enter a first, second, and
third choice.

(1) Social Sciences and Humanities
Social Sciences and Humanities-A: Law,
Politics, Pedagogy, Sociology, Literature,
History, Japanese language, others.
Social Sciences and Humanities-B:
Economics, Business Administration.

Note 1: Applicants who wish to major in
fields other than those listed above
(“others”) may have difficulties in finding
universities that can accept them.

Note 2: Any fields related to “Economics”
and “Business Administration” in
Humanities B are not included in “others.”

(2) Natural Sciences
Science (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry),
Electric and Electronic Studies (Electronics,
Electrical Engineering, Information
Engineering), Mechanical Studies
(Mechanical Engineering, Naval
Architecture), Civil Engineering and
Architecture (Civil Engineering,
Architecture, Environmental Engineering),
Chemical Studies (Applied Chemistry,
Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry,
Textile Engineering), other fields
(Metallurgical Engineering, Mining
Engineering, Maritime Engineering,

Agricultural studies (Agriculture,
Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural
Engineering, Animal Science, Veterinary
Medicine, Forestry, Food Science, Fisheries),
Hygienic studies (Pharmacy, Hygienics,
Nursing), and Science (Biology).
(3) Medicine, and Dentistry.

Note: A student who intends to major in
Natural Sciences and would like to choose
more than one major is required to choose
and select first-, second-, and third-choice
subjects from the subjects in parentheses
from within the same course (i.e. Natural
Sciences A, B or C). However, a student who
selects Course C as his/her first choice may
choose his/her second-choice subjects from
Course B or C and third-choice subject from
Course B as Course C offers only two

(1) Age: Applicants generally must have
been born between April 2, 1994 and April
1, 1999.
(2) Academic Background: Applicants must
either have completed 12 years of regular
school education or have graduated from a
school equivalent to an upper secondary
school in Japan. (Applicants who will meet
the above qualifications by March 2016 are
eligible.) Applicants who satisfy the
entrance requirements for a Japanese
university are also eligible.

(3) Japanese Language: Applicants must be
willing to learn Japanese. Applicants must
be interested in Japan and be willing to
deepen their understanding of Japan after
arriving in Japan. In addition, in principle,
applicants must be willing to carry out their
academic studies in Japan in Japanese.

(4) Health: Applicants must be free from
any mental or physical disabilities that
would impede the pursuit of study at
Japanese universities.

(5) Arrival in Japan: In principle, applicants
must be able to arrive in Japan between the
1st and 7th of April 2016. If an applicant is
to enroll in his/her university from the fall
semester through direct placement, he or
she must be able to leave for and arrive in
Japan by the date specified by the accepting

(6) Visa Requirement: Applicants must
acquire College Student (ryugaku) visas
before entering Japan. They then enter
Japan with the College Student (ryugaku)
residence status. Please also note that those
who change their visa status to one other
than College Student after arrival in Japan
will lose their qualification to be Japanese
Government Scholarship recipients from
the date when their visa status changes.

(1) The scholarship period will last for five
years from April 2016 to March 2021,
including the one-year preparatory
education in the Japanese language and
other subjects due to be provided upon
arrival in Japan. For scholarship grantees
majoring in medicine, dentistry, veterinary
medicine or a six-year course in pharmacy,
the scholarship period will be seven years
until March 2023.

(1) Allowance: 117,000 yen per month. (In
case that the recipient research in a
designated region, 2,000 or 3,000 yen per
month will be added. The monetary amount
each year may be subject to change due to
budgetary reasons).


Applicants should apply for the field of
study they majored in at university or its
related field. Moreover, the fields of study
must be subjects which applicants will be
able to study and research in graduate
courses at Japanese universities.

The fields of study may be restricted to
particular fields by the Japanese Embassy/
Consulate General (hereinafter referred to
as the “Japanese diplomatic mission”) in the
applicant’s country.

A student who studies medicine, dentistry
or welfare science will not be allowed to
engage in clinical training such as medical
care and operative surgery until he/she
obtains a relevant license from the Minister
of Health, Labor and Welfare under
applicable Japanese laws. Those studying
traditional entertainment arts such as
Kabuki and classical Japanese dances, or
subjects that require practical training in
specific technologies or techniques at
factories or companies are excluded from
this restriction.

(1) Nationality: Applicants must have the
nationality of a country that has diplomatic
relations with Japan. Applicants with no
official nationality are also eligible to apply.
An applicant who has Japanese nationality
at the time of application is not eligible.

However, persons with dual nationality who
hold Japanese nationality and whose place
of residence at the time of application is
outside of Japan are eligible to apply as long
as they choose the nationality of the foreign
country and give up their Japanese
nationality by the date of their arrival in
Japan. Applicant screening will be
conducted at the Japanese diplomatic
mission in the country of applicant’s

(2) Age: Applicants generally must have
been born on or after April 2, 1981.

Visit http://www.ng.emb-japan.go.jp/mext2015.html
for application details. Application forms
could also be obtained in person from the
Embassy of Japan in Abuja.

Closing date for submission of completed
application forms is June 30, 2015.
NGSchoolz Team

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