JAMB Frequently Asked Questions | All JAMB UTME FAQs
JAMB Frequently Asked Questions. JAMB Frequently Asked Questions And their Accurate Answers. We will answer all the questions in this page. In this page created by Ngschoolz, we will provide answers to Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) most JAMB candidates ask about the JAMB.
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JAMB Frequently Asked Questions
What does the JAMB exam test?
Answer: JAMB tests your knowledge of 4 subject from the JAMB syllabus.
How much does it cost to take the JAMB?
Answer: The JAMB scratch card cost N4,500 (four thousand, five hundred Naira only). You will also need to pay N700 at the JAMB registration center
See Price And More details Here: Approved Fee to Pay for UTME Registration.
Where do I buy the JAMB scratch card?
Answer: You can buy the JAMB scratch card for N4,500 at NIPOST or any of the following banks: Skye Bank, Zenith Bank, Union Bank, First Bank
See Also: JAMB Accredited Registration Centre Nearest to You
I don’t want to take the computer based test (CBT), can I still take a paper test?
Answer: From 2015 onwards only the computer based test is available
Where do I go to take the JAMB tests?
Answer: Students are required to take the JAMB only at accredited testing centers. Please see accredited JAMB Registration Centers closest to you
I heard you can take JAMB at any cyber cafe. Is that true?
Answer: No. Students are required to take JAMB only at accredited testing centers. Please see accredited JAMB Registration Centers closest to you
How can I do my best on the JAMB?
Answer: Follow Jamb syllabus for the year and practise JAMB past questions
Recommended: Free JAMB Past Questions (All Subjects Available In PDF Format)
How important is the JAMB in college admission?
Answer: JAMB is an exam that qualifies you as a candidate to write the college post UTME exams.
How is the JAMB scored?
- 4 subjects are required to be taken
- 3 subjects are related to your field of study and one is compulsory English Language
- The 3 subjects are 50 questions each while English is 100 questions
- The 50 questions carry 2 marks each and English is 1 mark each. Therefore the highest score one can get is 400.
- See Also: How JAMB Marked 2020 UTME: Official JAMB Marking Scheme
How much time will I have to take the JAMB?
Answer: The 3 subjects are allocated 50 mins each and English is allocated 1 hr. In total the time allocated for the 4 subjects is 3hrs 30mins.
When should I take the Jamb?
Answer: Jamb is taken immediately after or before graduation from Secondary school
How many times should I take the JAMB?
Answer: There is no limit on how many times you may take the JAMB. Ideally, you only have to take it once and you are accepted into your school of choice. Many students continue to take the exam until they get into their desired school
How are the exam questions created?
Answer: Questions are created based on the syllabus given by Jamb when purchasing the jamb form
See Also: JAMB Syllabus
What happens to people caught cheating on the exam?
Answer: They pay a fine of N50,000 or are imprisoned for 3 – 5 years or both.
When will JAMB exams commence?
Answer: JAMB UTME Examination Date
What is the recommended novel for JAMB?
Answer: The novel is: The Last Days at Forcados High School
What do I do when the JAMB accredited centers nearest to me are filled up?
Answer: Go to the next town or state closest to you
How can I change my school choice after registering?
Answer: You can change your university or course only after having taken the Jamb. Please note in past years you are only allowed to do this ONE time. Once the guidelines have been published (post Jamb exam) we will give you detailed instructions on how to do this
See Full Details Here: JAMB Change of Course/Institution
JAMB Registration Centers For JAMB Exams
Answer: Accredited JAMB Registration Centers in 36 States of Nigeria
When is the Exam Date?
- Exam Date: JAMB UTME Examination Date
- They are uncertain if they will postpone this date
- The exams will take 1 – 3 weeks depending on the number of students that registered and the available centres
- Each student will have his or her exam day and time specified
- There may be three or more sets of exam takers per centre each day
Importance of the E-slip
- If a student does not have an E-slip, Jamb will automatically assume he/she did not register
- The approved process of getting an E-slip is through the Accredited agents. Candidates are to go to these agents for theirs
- E-Slip reprinting Date. When a student gets it, all relevant JAMB information will be on it
- See Also: UTME Exam Slip: How to Reprint JAMB Exam Slip [It’s Free]
Miscellaneous Information
Answer: A student can change his first choice of school. The student needs to buy a card for N2500 and go to the accredited agent
What if a student does not have experience using computers
- JAMB will provide staff that will assist any student that does not have knowledge of the computer
- Before a student enters the hall, everything will be set. All they are required to do in the hall is to just click the right answers
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how does one get to check their jamb score online without paying? because i don’t want to print it out i just want to check my result but i can’t coz my the sim i used for jamb isn’t available at the moment.
how does one get to check their jamb score online without paying? because i don’t want to print it out i just want to check my result but i can’t coz my the sim i used for jamb isn’t available at the moment.
1 my name was wrongly spelt as udoharchibong janet sunday
2 but has now been corrected to udoh sunday janet
3 both in my nin and waec
4 And want it to be corrected also in my jamb portal
Kindly request for data edit form from JAMB so you can correct your biodata.