JAMB Form ePins for 2019 UTME Registration
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB Form ePins for 2019 UTME Registration | The JAMB Registration Form e-Pin is required to register for 2019 UTME. Without the e-pin, no accredited CBT registration centre will accept your request. On the other hand, before you can pay for your e-pin, you must get a profile code. Without the profile code, you can’t make payment for the e-pin. This guide will give you steps on how to get your e-pin to enable you register for 2019 UTME.
Here are the steps that would be required by all JAMB applicants, before commencing registration in any Accredited CBT Centre;
1. Each candidate will be registered with one mobile phone number only. The Cell phone number used to create the profile code is automatically tied to the Candidate’s name and will be used in all communications related to his/her 2019 Application/Examination.
2. Candidate sends his/her name [Surname, First Name & Middle Name (if any)] by text (SMS) to 55019. This should be maximum of 38 characters + 2 spaces between names = 40 characters in all
3. A Profile Code is received by the candidate on the same telephone number
4. The candidate presents the Profile Code to the point of procurement of form (Banks, MMOs, MFBs, Switches, USSD Partners). The form ePIN is then sent as text message to the candidate.
5. The candidate presents the ePIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for registration
You are advised to wait until the registration begins on 10th January before performing any of the procedures above. The above information is simply to prepare your mind for what’s to come. There’s absolutely no need to rush the process. Please note that the above 5 steps will be performed before a candidate visit the accredited CBT Centres for registration.
More details will be provided on 10th January, to confirm whether or not the above procedures have been finalized.
With this announcement, all prospective candidates are urged to kick start their preparation towards the 2019 UTME, which begins in March. For a start, candidates are advised to use the 2019 JAMB Brochure, to confirm the courses they intend to study, requirements and schools that offer such courses. Also, the 2019 JAMB Syllabus will help guide you on the topics you are required to cover for each of the subjects you will be taking in 2019 UTME.
Above all, get the 2019 JAMB CBT Practice Software/App. These will enable you to cover all JAMB past questions as well as get familiar with the JAMB CBT environment before the exam.
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