Best Ways On How To Gain Admission Without JAMB

Best Ways On How To Gain Admission Without JAMB. Did You miss your JAMB Exam After Reschedule? or You didn’t register for JAMB but want to be in school? this article is for you, read below how you can gain admission into university without JAMB.

How To Gain Admission Without JAMB

Table of Contents

Can I get admission without jamb?

Firstly, getting admission without JAMB is a possibility. Many admission seekers have wondered and asked if it is possible to gain admission into a University without writing JAMB. It is possible. However, you still have to pass through some form of examinations which people generally believe are simpler than JAMB.

I have seen so many students battle with Jamb examination year in and year out, and still end up not gaining Admission through Jamb.

We all know Jamb is a compulsory examination to pass before gaining admission into the higher institution, but do you know that gaining admission through Jamb is not the only way to the higher institution?

There are several other ways through which students can gain admission and that is the sole purpose of this content.

See Also: Top 15 Federal Universities That Accept 180 In JAMB


A lot of people ask this question, especially young secondary students already aspiring to study their dream course in a higher institution but do not want to be held at home for years because of Jamb failure.

Yes, it is 100% possible to enter the higher institution of your choice without writing the Jamb examination.

Why Do People Seek For Other Alternatives To Gain Admission Into The Higher Institution?

Parents no longer take chances, they now seek other alternatives through which their children can enter the higher Institution. Nobody wants their children to wait at home for years because of Jamb failure.

So they opt-in for other alternatives discussed in this content.


There are several ways to gain admission directly into a higher Institution without writing JAMB. Some of them are:

  1. IJMB A’ Level Program
  2. JUPEB A’ Level Program
  3. Pre-degree Programme
  4. Cambridge A’ Level Program
  5. Part-time or Weekend Programs
  6. National Open University of Nigeria
  7. Private Universities
  8. Study Aboard.

Let’s discuss these ways in brief, shall we?


IJMB is an approved, certified, and proven advanced level program moderated by Ahmadu Bello University.

IJMB stands for Interim Joint Matriculation Board. It is an approved program by the Federal government of Nigeria through which students can secure admission into the higher Institution.

It is a certified program that qualifies students directly into 200 level in the university. IJMB is one of the best ways to gain admission without JAMB in Nigeria.

The program was initially established to provide an opportunity for candidates who cannot gain admission to regular degree programs in Northern Universities, but presently it is now employed by different Universities across Nigeria.


The entry requirements into IJMB is just your ‘O’ Level result. Candidates awaiting result can also apply. In IJMB program you are required to select any three (3) Subjects that suit your course of study.


The program runs for a period of about 9-10 months which is divided into two(2) semesters. After successful completion of the program, an IJMB certificate is awarded which can be used to apply for direct entry into 200 level in a higher Institution.


  1. Visit the website to print out the form.
  2. Pay a form fee of ₦8,500
  3. Fill the printed form with capital letters.
  4. Attach your passport
  5. Scan your form and bank teller and send the scanned data to
  6. A reply will be sent to your email a few hours after you have sent your scanned documents. This will be received via the email you used to send the scanned data, the email will include other few details you need to know as IJMB students.


JUPEB stands for Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board. The program was approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a requirement for direct admission in December 2013.

JUPEB program is moderated by the University of Lagos, and it is certified by the National Universities Commission.

JUPEB is approved by the Nigerian University Commission for Direct entry admission into 90% of Nigerian Universities.

JUPEB, therefore, is no doubt another great way to gain admission without JAMB in Nigeria.


The program is an advanced level program of 9 – 10 months that allows interested candidates to gain admission into 200 level of any JUPEB’s approved institution without writing JAMB UTME.


1. Candidates are expected to possess at least five credit passes in their O/level results.

Applicants without credit pass in either English language and Mathematics can also apply, but they are expected to register for either of the two.

2. Applicants with awaiting results can also apply but their O’level result must be available before University admission as it will be required by their preferred university.


JUPEB fees range from ₦250,000 to ₦300,000 depending on your preferred study location.


1. Visit the website and fill the form with the valid preliminary details and click proceed

2. Pay a Non- refundable application fee of N15,250. Payments are made online through direct bank debit card.

3. After a successful payment, candidates will be redirected to a payment validation page to fill in every requested detail to validate the payment.

4. After payment has been validated, candidates can click on the registration form to complete the online registration, print the online slip, and proceed to their respective locations for clearance and resumption dates.

To complete the form candidates need to fill in their application bio-data, O level subject combination and grades, passport photograph (150×150px), functional email address, and telephone number.


Pre-degree program is usually a one-year course managed by a university with the main objective to prepare candidates seeking admission into 100 level of her courses.

A pre-degree program is also one of the best ways to gain admission without JAMB in Nigeria.


The course lasts for about 6 to 9 months of academic work. It is divided into two semesters.


To obtain the form, candidates need at least 5 or 6 credit passes (depending on your proposed course) in your O’level results (in not more than two sittings). They accept O’level results like WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, NBAIS.

Some schools allow awaiting results, but it must be available on or before 100 level admission.

It is important to know that not all universities in Nigeria run a pre-degree program for their incoming 100 level students.

Schools like Obafemi Awolowo University, Adekunle Ajasin University run pre-degree programs. A candidate will be offered admission into the school only if he/she passes the program.


Cambridge A’ Level Nigeria program is an approved, proven, and certified advanced level program moderated by Cambridge University, UK.

The program has coordinating bodies in various tertiary institutions nationwide. It is approved by the Federal government of NIGERIA and certified by NUC.


The Cambridge A’ Level Nigeria A level program runs for 9-10 months divided into two semesters. After successful completion of the program, candidates can use the certificate to apply for direct entry into 200 level in a tertiary institution.


Cambridge A’Level Nigeria A-Level Program requires only a complete ‘O’-level certificate. Candidates with awaiting results can also apply.

Prospective candidates are to select three A/L Cambridge A’ Level Nigeria subjects with English Language that is identified with their course of study.


1. Visit their website to fill the form. A confirmation link will be sent to your email address after filling the form.

Click on the confirmation link, you will be asked to select your preferred study center. You will also be required to make a payment, select your payment method, submit and upload payment receipt. You can pay online or through POS or USSD transfer.

Log in again to confirm payment. You will be redirected to fill the second stage of the form, which includes your payment details, ‘O’ level, and previous academic details.

Your admission letter will be sent to you a few hours after your payment is confirmed (if you paid using POS or transfer) or within minutes of your online payment.

Related: How To Score 300 and Above In JAMB


This is also one of the easiest ways to gain admission into the higher institution without writing JAMB. You can apply for a part-time program in any University or polytechnic of your choice that offers a part-time Programme.


Candidates do not need Jamb to study Part-time in tertiary schools, all they need is 5-6 credit passes in their senior secondary school-leaving certificate.

Some Polytechnics that offer part-time courses are:

Schools well known for the programs include:

  • The Polytechnic Ibadan
  • Federal Polytechnic Offa
  • Federal Polytechnic Ede
  • Osun State Polytechnic Iree
  • Osun State Polytechnic Esa Oke
  • Oke Ogun Polytechnic Saki etc

In universities, a 4 years program is usually a five years Programme for part-time students. Here are some universities that offer part-time courses:

  • The University of Lagos
  • The University of Port Harcourt
  • The University of Calabar
  • The University of Benin
  • The University of Abuja
  • The University of Uyo
  • The University of Jos
  • ObafemiAwolowo University, Ile — Ife.

See Also: How JAMB Mark UTME And Grade: Official Explanation


The National Open University of Nigeria is an open and distant learning school for students all over Nigeria, irrespective of their location.

It is an online school that does not require JAMB to gain admission. Candidates who do not want to write Jamb, or fed up with writing Jamb can consider NOUN as one of the best ways to gain admission without JAMB.


An applicant for undergraduate admission into NOUN is normally expected to have a minimum of 5 O-level credits including English Language and Mathematics.

Recommended: NOUN Admission Form is On Sale –  [Degree & Postgraduate]


  • Visit the site
  • On the Home Page, go to the Menu Bar, Click on Apply for Admission
  • Select either Undergraduate Programme you want to do
  • Go to “Choose Faculty” and select faculty (note it can be found at the left-hand side of the screen)
  • Fill displayed form
  • Click on ‘below’ to view admission criteria
  • Click “Apply” to proceed.
  • Take note of the UNIQUE ID displayed. Click the ‘Continue’ button to continue
  • Select Bank Branch as payment type and click “Pay”
  • Copy and take your RRR number to any bank branch for payment.
  • After payment, Go to “Continue After Payment” and Input Unique ID, RRR number, and Programme. Click “Proceed”
  • Fill Form. Note: all fields marked with a red star are compulsory.
  • After filling form, click “Submit”
  • Print Admission Letter
  • Visit the nearest study center for screening

See Also: NOUN School Fees Schedule –  [Undergraduate & Postgraduate]


Not all private universities require Jamb examination for their admission Process. Hence, applying for admission in some private universities is another great way to gain admission without JAMB.

Below is a list of private universities that give admission without jamb

  1. Ajayi Crowther University
  2. Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin
  3. Al-Qalam University
  4. Babcock University
  5. Bowen University
  6. Benson Idahosa University
  7. Madonna University
  8. Igbinedion University Okada
  9. Pan-Atlantic University
  10. Redeemer`s University Mowe
  11. Caritas University
  12. Bingham University
  13. Crawford University

Candidates interested in any of these Universities should visit the school websites for more information.


Studying abroad is also another way to gain admission without JAMB into the university.

If you will not be doing your undergraduate study in Nigeria, there is obviously no need to take Jamb because it is not a requirement to study outside the country.

International schools have their own basic requirements which will be enlisted on their Admission page. So visit the school website for more information on their admission process.

That is all on how to gain admission without JAMB.

I hope this guide on the top 8 ways to gain admission without JAMB in Nigeria helps.

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