FUDutsin-ma Prelim & Remedial Studies Application Form Is Out – 2016/2017
Federal University Dutsin-Ma, FUDutsin-ma Preliminary and Remedial studies Admission Application Form For The 2016/2017 Academic Session Is On Sale. See Screening Schedule Below
This is to invite all qualified candidates for the programmes of (Preliminary & Remedial studies) into the School of General and Preliminary Studies (SOGAPS), Federal University Dutsinma for 2016/2017 admission.
Table of Contents
FUDutsin-ma Prelim Available Programmes:
1. Preliminary Studies – 1 (PS-1): English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
2. Preliminary Studies – 2 (PS-2): English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science.
3. Remedial Studies – 1 (RS-1): English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
4. Remedial Studies – 2 (RS-2): English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science.
FUDutsin-ma Prelim Admission Eligibility:
For Preliminary studies: – A candidate should possess five (5) credits in Eng, Maths, and three subjects in any of the following courses: Science/Arts and Social Sciences courses.
For Remedial studies: – A candidate should possess at least three (3) credits in any of the following courses: Science/Arts and Social Sciences subjects.
All candidates both (Preliminary & Remedial) are to note that the screening exercise is for character, as well as for academic and biodata credentials.
How To Apply For FUDutsin-ma Prelim & Remedial Studies:
All interested candidates Both (Science, Arts and Social Sciences courses) who have interest to buy application form are advised to follow these procedures;
- Candidates are to log on unto www.remita.net and Click on the ‘PAY A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY’ box which redirects you to a new page
- On the ‘Name of Service/Purpose’, click on the drop box and select ‘SOGAPS Application Form’ option.
- On the ‘Description’ box type ‘SOGAPS Application Form’
- On the ‘Amount to pay’ a non-refundable fee of five thousand three hundred naira (N5,300.00) only
- On the purpose box type ‘SOGAPS Application Form’, complete the form and print. Proceed to any of the commercial banks and make payments through remita.
- After payments, candidates are advised to come along with the evidence of payment from the bank for presentation to the University Bursary Department for collection of the original receipt on the screening exercise date.
FUDutsin-ma Prelim Screening Details:
VENUE: – FUDMA University Campus
TIME:- From 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Candidates are to come along with the following for the screening:
a) Bank Payment Slip as evidence (Original & Photocopies) Write your GSM No. on top
b) Payment Receipt from Bursary Department (Original & Photocopy)
Note: Candidates without the above items will not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.
Closing Date:
Application Closes at midnight on Monday, 17th October, 2016.
i) Bank draft and cash payment will not be accepted
ii) Bags will not be allowed on campus beyond the security check point at the gate.