FCE Umunze Admission Form 2014/2015 Is Out
The Federal College Of
Education, Technical, Umunze, in affiliation with the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, UNIZIK,
Awka, has commenced her
sales of admission forms for the 2014/2015 academic
• Candidates must have sat for 2014/2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination,UTME
• Candidates must have scored above 180 marks in JAMB
• Candidates must have
obtained above the 40% mark in the UNIZIK Post UTME of the Nnamdi Azikiwe university,Awka.
Candidates who met withe
the eligibility stated above are to collect application forms for admission at the Federal College of Education(FCE) Umunze.
The Federal College of
Education, Technical, Umunze,offers admission into the following approved
programmes of the college; • School of Science Education in the following Departments:
i. Mathematics Education
ii. Physical Education Science
iii. Integrated Science
iv. Chemistry Education
• School of Industrial Technical Education in the
following Departments:
i. Automobile/Mechanical
Technology Education
ii. Building Construction/ Woodwork Technology
iii. Electrical/Electronics
Technology Education
Interested applicants are
requested to visit the college
premises for collection of their application forms.
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