Etisalat Prize For Literature Application 2018 Is Ongoing

Etisalat Prize for Literature Application 2018 Begins. Etisalat is calling for entries for the 2018 Prize for Literature, the third edition of the much celebrated innovative literature prize launched in 2013.

Etisalat Prize for Literature Application

Table of Contents

Literature Prize Profile:

The Etisalat Prize for Literature is the first ever pan-African prize celebrating first time writers of published fiction books. The Prize aims to serve as a platform for the discovery of new creative talent out of the continent and invariably promote the burgeoning publishing industry in Africa.

By recognizing and celebrating writers and other members of the literary community across Africa, Etisalat plans to bring some much needed awareness and acclaim to the art of Fiction writing while also applauding and rewarding the efforts of those who have ventured into this genre in recent times.

At the core of Etisalat’s vision is promoting passion, nurturing talent and providing a platform for communicating ideas, The ‘Etisalat Prize for Literature’ wholly embodies this vision, bringing together celebrated high profile writers, book critics and academics from across the Continent and beyond in order to give credence and honor to ‘home-grown’ talent while also rewarding new entrants and encouraging further participation in this area.

Etisalat Prize for Literature Structure:

The Etisalat Prize for Literature celebrates new writers of African citizenship whose first fiction book (over 30,000 words) was published in the last twenty four (24) months.

For the purposes of this definition, first book means first printed production in book form of any type or genre. Authors and their publishers can be based anywhere in the world.

An online Flash Fiction Prize will be launched later in the year driven entirely by social media – more information on this will be made available on our website.

The winner of the Etisalat Prize for Literature receives £15,000, a Samsung Galaxy Note and a Montblanc Meisterstuck. In line with our vision of promoting upcoming writers, Etisalat will sponsor a book tour to three African cities.

The winning writer will also embark on the Etisalat Fellowship at the University of East Anglia mentored by Professor Giles Foden (author of The Last King of Scotland) which will include significant opportunities to meet other writers, publishers and most importantly work on their second book. Shortlisted writers will win a Samsung Galaxy Note and also go on a book tour to two major African cities.

The Etisalat Prize for Literature is unique in that it also aims to promote the publishing industry at large and will therefore purchase 1000 copies of all shortlisted books which will be donated to various schools, book clubs and libraries across the African continent.

Criteria for Entry;

1. Submissions will only be accepted from publishing houses
2. All books entered should have a registered ISBN number or equivalent
3. Entries by new writers must be published within the last 24 months before submission
4. Entries for fiction books will be submitted by publishers who have published a minimum of three (3) authors
5.Publisher should have been a registered business (with certificate of incorporation as a publisher) for minimum of three years
6. Each publisher will be allowed to enter a maximum of three (3) books – however books maybe called in by the judges
7. Each entry will be required to be accompanied by Seven (7) copies of the book being entered along with acceptance of publicity terms
8. The Etisalat Prize for Literature is not open to employees of any organisation under Emirates Telecommunications Corporation with branded trade name Etisalat.

How to Enter:

All applications for the prize competition will be accepted via post only. Download application form from  –

The application form should be submitted along with seven (7) copies of the submitted books to the following address:
Etisalat Prize for Literature
Etisalat Nigeria
6th Floor
Building 2, Oriental Office Building
3, Lekki Road, Victoria Island

Entry Deadline:

The closing deadline is 18th September 2017.


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