EBSU Postgraduate Admission Form is Out – 2022/2023

EBSU Postgraduate form – The management of the Ebonyi State University (EBSU) is now selling forms for admission into its postgraduate programmes (Ph.D, M.Sc, MPA, PGD, PGDE, PGDN, MILD and LLM) for the 2022/2023 academic session.

EBSU Postgraduate Admission Form

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates into the Ebonyi State University, School of Postgraduate Studies for the 2022/2023 academic session. The programmes will lead to the award of Ph.D, M.Sc, MPA, PGD, PGDE, PGDN, MILD and LLM.

Table of Contents

EBSU Postgraduate Courses.

The Departments/Programme options available for admission into School of Postgraduate Studies, Ebonyi State University in 2022/2023 academic session include the following:

  1. Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management
    1. Department of Economics, Management & Extension
    2. Department of Animal Science
    3. Department of Crop Production & Landscape Management
    4. Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
    5. Department of Food Science and Technology
    6. Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management
  2. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
    1. Department of Economics
    2. Department of Sociology
    3. Department of Psychology
    4. Department of Mass Communication
    5. Department of Political Science
    6. Department of History and International Relations
    7. Department of Philosophy
    8. Department of Religion
    9. Department of Linguistics and  Literal Studies
    10. Department of English Language
    11. Department of Igbo
    12. Department of Linguistics
  3. Faculty of Law
    1. Law
  4. Faculty of Management Sciences
    1. Department of Public Administration
    2. Department of Accountancy
    3. Department of Marketing
    4. Department of Banking and Finance
    5. Department of Business Management
  5. Faculty of Education
    1. Department of Educational Foundations
    2. Department of Technical and Vocational Education
    3. Department of Flome Economics
    4. Department of Business Education
    5. Department of Fluman Kinetics Education
    6. Department of Science and Computer Education
    7. Department of Arts and Social Science Education
  6. Faculty of Science
    1. Department of Computer Science and Technology
    2. Department of Biochemistry
    3. Department of Industrial Chemistry
    4. Department of Biotechnology
    5. Department of Industrial Physics
    6. Department of Geology and Exploration
  7. Faculty of Medicine
    1. Department of Physiology
    2. Department of Medical Microbiology
    3. Department of Anatomy
    4. Department of Pharmacology
    5. Department of Community Medicine
  8. Faculty of Health Science and Technology
    1. Department of Nursing Science
    2. Department of Medical Laboratory Science
  9. African Institute for Health Policy and Health System
    1. Health Policy and Law
    2. Health Systems Financing
    3. Health System Leadership and Governance
    4. International Health Diplomacy

EBSU Postgraduate Admission Requirements/Duration.

Ph.D 3.50 6 semester (Three years)
M.Sc. 2.50 18 months
MPA 2.50 18 months
PGD 2.00 18 months
PGDE 2.00 18 months
PGDN 2.00 18 months
MILD 2.50 18 months
LLM 2.50 18 months

How to Apply for EBSU Postgraduate Admission.

Application forms are available for sale online at the cost of Ten Thousand Fifty Naira (N 10,050.00) only, while appropriate administrative charges will apply.

All interested applicants should visit the University portal at portal.ebsu.edu.ng.

  • Click on online application forms
  • Click on postgraduate application form
  • Enter your mobile phone number and click on proceed
  • Enter the required information and click on Submit to generate invoice
  • Proceed to the bank with the payment invoice and make payment
  • Obtain bank printout from the bank containing RRR number
  • Submit your acknowledgement slip credentials and referee forms to Admission Unit of School of Postgraduate Studies.

For further information, please contact:

The Secretary,
School of Postgraduate Studies,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki 


The Public Relations Officer,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki.

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  1. Anokoro Azegbobor clement says:

    Please,why msc has the same duration with PGD program

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