Emmanuel Alayande College of Education (EACOED) Registration Deadline for 2nd Semester 2019/2020
Emmanuel Alayande College of Education (EACOED) registration deadline for the second semester, 2019/2020 academic session.
The management of the Emmanuel Alayande College of Education (EACOED), Oyo, has announced the registration deadline for the second semester, 2019/2020 academic session.
Table of Contents
EACOED Registration Deadline.
This is to inform all regular NCE Students that the payment portal is now opened for all students to process online course registration for the 2019/2020 second semester academic activities. You are to please note that the interaction with the portal is contingent upon full payment of approved tuition and fees only. Whoever has difficulty in processing his/her course form should report at the ICT unit.
You are to also note that the portal will be opened till Friday, November 29, 2020. Late registration will start on Monday, November 30, 2020, and ends on Friday, December 4, 2020. As usual, it should be noted that late registration will attract a penalty.
Thank You.
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