DAAD INISA Student Grant Application – 2022
DAAD is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students for the DAAD INISA Student Grant.
Table of Contents
About the Grant
INISA is a German Non-Governmental Organization founded in 1995.
Their mission is to inform the German public on political, economical, social and cultural developments in Southern Africa to create interest, deepen understanding and enhance contacts and exchange between Germany and Southern Africa.
Aim and Benefits of INISA Student Grant
The INISA grant covers 75% of tuition fees and related costs (e.g. books and other study material; residence fees etc.) for the academic year of 2022 up to a maximum amount of Euro 3000 (or the equivalent in local currency).
INISA requires the student to provide proof of tuition related expenses with a fees account record, as the grant amount covers a percentage of these expenses and needs to be calculated on that basis before any payment is possible.
The grant will be paid directly into the student’s fees account at the University.
INISA requires the student to provide two reports on the progress of his/her studies in the year s/he is awarded the grant.
Requirements for INISA Student Grant
The applicant should:
1. Hold the nationality of one of the SADC countries;
2. Study full time at a University or other tertiary education institution in one of the SADC countries;
3. Be in the second or third year of his or her undergraduate studies, i.e. s/he has successfully completed at least one year of studies and has successfully reregistered for further courses in the next academic year.
Please note: the INISA Student Grant is not applicable to postgraduate studies such as Honors, Masters or PhD programs.
Application Deadline
July 31, 2022
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