Best Ways On How To Choose The Correct Option In JAMB CBT Exam

Best Ways On How To Choose The Correct Option In JAMB CBT Exam.

Best Ways On How To Choose The Correct Option In JAMB CBT Exam.


One you have to know is that when it comes to multiple choice exam such as JAMB, scoring 200 and above in the UTME is not hard, if you are smart it will be very easy for you to score very high, and i believe that with the tips has provided so far, am sure those that has been following will score minimum of 250+. I decided to share this article in case of meeting a question you are so confused at,  Use these strategies to do well on multiple choice questions.

Table of Contents

1. Eliminate The Outliers/Wrong Answers.

Some exams, like the SATs, are randomized using computers(CBT), negating any patterns usually found in the order of the answers. However, no matter their order, answer choices that are incongruent with the rest are usually wrong, according to Poundstone. He gives the following sample answers from an SAT practice test, without including the question:

A. haphazard…radical

B. inherent…controversial

C. improvised…startling

D. methodical…revolutionary

E. derivative…gradual

Because the meaning of “gradual” stands out from the other words in the right column, choice E can be eliminated. Poundstone then points out that “haphazard” and “improvised” have almost identical meanings. Because these choices are so close in meaning, A and C can also be eliminated, allowing you to narrow down over half the answers without even reading the question.

“It’s hard to see how one could be unambiguously correct and the other unambiguously wrong,” he says. For the record, the correct answer is D.

2. Choose the longest answer.

I have also noticed that the longest answer on multiple-choice tests was usually correct. “Test makers have to make sure that right answers are indisputably right.” “Often this demands some qualifying language. They may not try so hard with wrong answers.” If one choice is noticeably longer than its counterparts, it’s likely the correct answer.

3. Look at the surrounding answers.

Correct answer choices hardly repeated consecutively, so looking at the answers of the questions you do know will help you figure out the ones you’re stuck on. For example, if you’re stuck on question No. 2, but know that the answer to No. 1 is A and the answer to No. 3 is D, those choices can probably be eliminated for No. 2. Of course, “knowledge trumps outguessing,” Cross out answers you know are wrong based on facts first.

Read Also: The Best Way On How to Answer JAMB CBT Exam Questions

4. Eliminate absolute statements.

Options that use the words “always,” “none” or “never” are less likely to be true than “usually” or “probably.”

5. Select “B” or “C” when in doubt.

Instructors often hide the correct answers in the middle of the options, “always guess the middle answer if you don’t know” or “avoid any answer that uses the words ‘never,’ ‘always,’ ‘all,’ or ‘none'” at some point in your life.

6. Remember to look back to the questions that you skipped.

Look at each question individually and eliminate the options that you know are incorrect. Cross the wrong options out with your pencil if possible. If they are still problematic, remember it is better to choose and possibly be right than to leave blank and not have any chance at all.

See Also: How To Score Very High In JAMB/UTME Exam

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  1. plx , i nid upgrade abeg dnt av choice bt to do it. rescue me o by not letin me seat back home 4 1 mor yr

    1. There is nothing like upgrade, don’t let anyone fool you or scam you, if you have been following our updates here, you would have score atleast 230+

  2. I didn’t go for jamb lesson and this my first time I want to write jamb pls can I still sit for it and pass 😢

  3. I didn’t go for jamb lesson and this my first time I want to write jamb pls can I still sit for it and pass 😢

  4. Pls am writing jamb tomorrow n my subjects are English, Biology, Chemistry n physics. Can I get help?

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