UNICAL Post UTME Date, Time & Venue – 2018/2019
University of Calabar, UNICAL post UTME screening exercise timetable and cut-off marks for the 2018/2019 academic session admission exercise. Check UNICAL Post UTME Date, Time & Venue Below
The management of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) has released the 2018/2019 academic session post UTME screening exercise schedule.
Table of Contents
UNICAL Post UTME Screening Timetable.
The First Choice aptitude test exercise has been scheduled to take place from Monday, August 13 to Saturday, August 18, 2018.
The screening timetable is contained on the attached PDF file;
Follow the link below in-case your device can’t display the document above (Note: You will however need a device that is capable of opening PDF files to access the list).
- Candidates are required to come with their original UTME result slip showing the Candidate’s photograph
- The Post UTME exercise is Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Any candidate who fails to take part in the screening exercise automatically loses his or her chance of being considered for admission.
- Impersonation is a serious offence and anyone caught will be handed over to the Law Enforcement Agents and may be liable to up to 5 years imprisonment.
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