FUWUKARI Post UTME/DE Screening Form is Out – 2017/18 [See How To Apply]

Federal University Wukari, FUWUKARI Post UTME and Direct Entry screening exercise application form for the 2017/2018 academic session is out. FUWUKARI post UTME minimum cut-off mark is 180.



The Management of Federal University Wukari (FUWUKARI) invites candidates who have chosen the university as their FIRST and SECOND CHOICES in UTME and DIRECT ENTRY and scored the required minimum national cut-off point of 180 and above for the 2017 UTME and merit and above for Direct Entry to the POST-UTME/DE screening.

Table of Contents


  2. Type in your JAMB Registration Number and SURNAME in the boxes provided. Carefully type in your JAMB Registration Number as any error committed will not allow your details to be displayed.


  • Actual Registration fee for each candidate is N2, 500 only excluding bank charges.
  • UTME candidates should click on the Get Details button for your JAMB information;
  • DE candidates should click OK button on the dialog box displayed and enter their names; and
  • Click on Make Payment link to go to WEBPAY page. Note: UTME Candidates who are qualified for the courses originally chosen can proceed to make payment by supplying the required information.
  1. Make Payment
  • Select your ATM card type (e.g. Verve or Master Card)
  • Enter your Card Number
  • Enter Card Expiry Date and the card CVV2 (the 3 digits on the reverse side of the card and lastly enter your card pin; and
  • Then click on Pay.

Please note: (Do not refresh your browser while the process is going on to avoid multiple deductions from your account. If nothing is displayed after 10 minutes, close the browser and restart).

  1. After Login, click on Continue Registration Link on the main menu.
  2. Fill in your other bio-data and necessary details truthfully on the webpage. All candidates should upload their Passports by clicking on Browse button and select your picture. Your Passport must not be more than 25KB.


      • Acceptable format is JPEG.
      • Picture must be digital passport photograph.
      • Resolution must be at least 200 DPI.
      • Dimension should not be less than 600 × 600 pixels.
      • Each photograph should capture the head and top of the shoulders so that the face takes up to 70-80% of the photograph.
      • Show the eyes looking directly at the camera.
      • Show skin tone naturally.
      • Have a uniform red background.
      • Maximum of 25KB.
  1. On completion of bio-data, click on Next Step button then click OK on the message dialog box.
  2. All Direct Entry (DE) candidates should complete the programme of choice and click on Save then click OK on the message dialog box.
  3. On completion of choice of Institution click Next Step button.
  4. For Direct Entry (DE) candidates;
    • Direct Entry candidates are required to select their Highest Academic Qualification(s) from the drop down and click on Save. On the dialog box click OK;
    • To add more Higher Academic Qualifications click on qualifications drop down to select your additional qualifications, click on save; and
    • Click on Next Step.
  1. All candidates (UTME and DE) are required to supply their O’ level (O/L) details as follows:
  • Pick Number of sitting(s) by clicking on the drop-down button
  • Enter all the required O’ level (O/L) details; Pick as applied in your result; and
  • Click on Submit button then click OK on the message dialog box.
  • Automatic disqualification at any stage of result falsification
  1. Click Print Tab to print out the following:
  • Post-UTME Screening Registration form;
  • Payment Receipt.



  1. Candidates MUST meet the minimum UTME scores of 180, have the right UTME subject combinations as prescribed in the JAMB Brochure and the requisite ‘O’ Level subjects at credit level.
  2. However, candidates who do not meet requirements for the courses they applied for (subject combination) will be allowed to change to any other course whose requirements are met by the candidates.  The change of course will attract a processing fee of N2,000 only payable at the screening venue.
  3. All candidates must possess a minimum of five ‘O’ Level credits including Mathematics and English Language at not more than two sittings in subjects relevant to their proposed courses.
  4. Only ‘O’ Level result print-out(s) downloaded directly from the website(s) of the national examining bodies (WAEC/NECO/NABTEB) or photocopies of the original certificate(s) will be accepted for verification.  Candidates that already have their ‘O’ Level results MUST bring the results to the screening venue.  Failure to do so will result in disqualification of candidates.
  5. Candidates awaiting results will be allowed to participate in the Post-UTME but MUST submit such results not later than Friday 7th October, 2017. For submission of such results, candidates are to go back to their registration page on the University website to update their records or submit hard copies of the results to the Admission Officer of Federal University Wukari.
  6. Candidates that choose to submit their results online should print the acknowledgement slips after uploading.
  7. No candidate will be allowed to participate in the screening exercise without complying with the above requirements.
  8. Candidates are not allowed to bring GSM handsets or similar electronic gadgets into the screening hall. Such item(s) will be seized and will not be returned to the owners.
  9. Impersonation is a serious offence and anyone caught impersonating will be handed over to the law enforcement agents.
  10. Any registered candidate who fails to report for the screening exercise on the date and time specified on the print-out automatically loses his or her chance of being screened for admission.
  11. Candidates are advised to arrive at the University campus on the scheduled dates for the screening exercise at least one hour prior to the scheduled time on their slips.


Closing Date: Payment for the registration will start from Monday 11th September, 2017. Portal for registration and printing of acknowledgement slip will close by Midnight of Sunday 24th, September, 2017.


S/N Faculties Date Batch Time
1 Faculty of Humanities, Mgt & Soc. Sci. Wed.27 Sept., 2017 Batch A. 8am–12pm
2 Faculty of Humanities, Mgt & Soc. Sci. Wed.27 Sept., 2017 Batch B. 12pm–4pm
3 Faculty of Science Thurs.28 Sept., 2017 Batch A. 8am–12pm
4 Faculty of Agriculture & life Science Thurs.28 Sept., 2017 Batch B. 12pm–4pm
5 Direct Entry Candidates Friday.29 Sept.,2017 Batches A & B 8am–12pm

All eligible candidates are required to come on the date indicated above.

Candidates are to report at the University campus along Katsina-Ala road with the following:

  1. A printout of the 2017/2018 UTME result slip bearing the candidate’s passport photograph (the Passport should not be affixed). The title of the course/programme of choice should be boldly written by the candidate on top of the result slip.
  2. The printed 2017/2018 University Post-UTME Screening Exercise Registration and Receipt slips
  3. A writing material (Biro or Pencil)
  4. A simple scientific calculator (non-programmable) without cover

Note: All candidates are expected to be at the screening centre an hour before their scheduled time with the above printouts and be decently dressed
Thank you for choosing Federal University Wukari.
For further enquiries contact: pumte2017@fuwukari.edu.ng

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