ARU Sports Scholarship for Athletes Application Update – 2022

Anglia Ruskin University ARU is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students for their ARU Sports Scholarship. It is a fully-funded scholarship for all students.


Table of Contents

About the Scholarship

We have a very simple goal, which is those elite athletes who come to ARU improve by the time they’ve graduated. We recognise that you need a range of support to keep developing and improving.

Each scholarship is tailored to individual athletes, but some of the services we can offer include:

  1. Free sports club membership, which features transport and entry costs for a range of competitions. 
  2. Free access to our campus gyms, and to sports therapists.
  3. Strength and conditioning support from our dedicated coach.
  4. Financial support for performance-related costs (the level of support is agreed on a case-by-case basis).

Value of ARU Sports Scholarship

There are two levels of scholarship, ranging from £1,400 up to £12,500 per year.

Scholarship Benefit

  1. Scholarships of £1,400 per year to cover performance-related costs for students who compete at the regional or national level. 
  2. Individualized strength and conditioning sessions.
  3. Sports therapy.
  4. Sports performance workshops, and
  5. Fees,
  6. Travel and accommodation for agreed competitions.

Duration of Scholarship

Sport Scholarship covers the normal, full-time duration of your degree course. Eligibility is conditional on continuing satisfactory academic progress.

Eligibility of ARU Sports Scholarship

To be eligible for our Sport Scholarship you should:

  1. Meet the entry requirements for your chosen course. 
  2. Be a UK, EU or international student.
  3. Be studying an undergraduate or postgraduate taught course at our Cambridge, Chelmsford or Peterborough Guild House campuses.
  4. Be competing at the regional or national level to qualify for our Elite Level scholarship.
  5. Be competing at the national or international level to qualify for our Podium Level scholarship.
  6. Be able to show that you’ll have a significant impact on the performance of the sports team you join at ARU (if applicable) and/or on BUCS points.


Application Deadline

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