Nigerian Army University Biu, NAUB Matriculation Ceremony for 2020/2021 Newly Admitted Students
Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) matriculation ceremony date, time and venue schedule for the 2020/2021 academic session newly admitted candidates.
This is to inform all the newly admitted students of the Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB), that the management of the institution has released the date, time and venue for the 2020/2021 matriculation ceremony.
See Also: Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) Academic Calendar for 2019/2020 Academic Session
Table of Contents
NAUB Matriculation Ceremony Schedule
This is to inform the University community that the Matriculation Ceremony for fresh students (2021/2022 Academic Session) has been scheduled to hold on Saturday 7th August, 2021 at University Temporary Site (Football Pitch).
All Matriculating students are to assemble at the venue for procession according to their respective Faculties by 8:00am. Members of Senate and Congregation procession into the venue will start at exactly 9:20am.
All fresh students are to note that attendance is COMPULSORY and they would be required to sign Matriculation Register immediately after the ceremony.
In view of the above, all fresh students should complete their registration process before Thursday 5th August, 2021.
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