OSSCEILA Pre-NCE, NCE & Degree Admission Forms – 2018/2019

OSSCEILA Admission Forms Are Out | Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun, OSSCEILA admission forms into its Pre-NCE, NCE (Post UTME), Degree (affiliated to EKSU) programmes for the 2018/2019 academic session are now on sale.

OSSCEILA Admission Forms

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun (OSSCEILA) Pre-NCE, NCE and Degree programmes for the 2018/2019 academic session.

Table of Contents

OSSCEILA Available Courses

See the list of programmes available in the image below:


In line with the NCCE guidelines, five school structure is being implemented by the College.  The schools are:

  1. Arts and Social Sciences
  2. Education
  3. Languages
  4. Sciences
  5. Vocational and Technical Education

1    The School of Arts and Social Sciences offers Christian Religious Studies, Islamic Religious Studies, History, Geography, Social Studies, Political Science and Economics.  Consequently, the following departments are operational:
(i)    Christian Religious Studies
(ii)    History
(iii)    Geography
(iv)    Social Studies
(v)    Political Science
(vi)    Economics
(vii)    Islamic Religious Studies
2    The School of Education offers General Education, Primary Education and General Studies in Education.  There are five departments, namely:
(i)    Curriculum and Educational Technology
(ii)    Educational Psychology
(iii)    Educational Foundation and Management
(iv)    Primary Education
(v)    General Studies in Education
3    The School of Languages offers English, Yoruba,     French and Arabic.  The School has the following departments:
(i)    English
(ii)    Yoruba
(iii)    French
(iv)    Arabic
4    The School of Science offers the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Integrated Science and Mathematics.  The School has departments of:
(i)    Biology
(ii)    Chemistry
(iii)    Integrated Science
(iv)    Physics and Health Education
(v)    Physics
(vi)    Mathematics and Computer Science
5    The School of Vocational and Technical Education offers Technical Education, Business Education, Agricultural Education, Fine Arts and Home Economics.  Consequently, there are five departments in the School.  They are:
(i)    Agricultural Education
(ii)    Business Education
(iii)    Fine Arts
(iv)    Home Economics
(v)    Technical Education


How to Apply for OSSCEILA Pre-NCE, NCE & Degree Admission.


  1. Create an Account
  2. There are two types of payment:
    1. Payment through the Bank outlet on Etranzact platform only
    2. Using BankIT (An online platform available in your account that allow you to make payment with your Bank Account Number only without visiting the bank)
  3. If you have paid through the bank, obtain a payment receipt and Login to your account to confirm the payment first before you be allowed to fill the application form
  4. If you want to use the BankIT, Login to your account, then click ON BANKIT to initiate and conclude your payment, after then you will be allowed to fil the application form
  5. After successful login, please fill the form accordingly, upload your recent passport photograph and click on the buttons appropriately
  6. Ensure to print your acknowlegment and await sms for your admission information on phone soon.

Call for 07032548810 enquiry.

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