Faculty Of Social Sciences, UI – SOC 102 Past Questions

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SOC 102 Past Questions

1. The word people are often referred to ……………… and general types of groups
A. Abstract 
B. Culture
2. ……….may be defined as any group of human beings (men,women and children).
A. Culture
B. People 

3. ……… is  very important in Sociology
A. Culture
B. Relationship

4. ……..can be defined as the universal human capacity to classify,and communicate their experiences symbolically
A. Culture
B. Relationship

5. colere means
A. People
B. Cultivate

6.  ………….. are element of culture except
A.Value & Norms
B. Value & Law
C. Institution & artifact

7.  …………… things,or aspects of material culture gotten from values and norms of
A. Artifact 
B. Value

8. …………. cultures are the aspects of culture that can be seen,
A. Material Culture 
B.Non Material Culture

9.  All are concept of people except
A. Cultural,Social & norms
B. Social,Cultural & geographical 

10. Nigeria Population as at 2006 was….
A. 145m
B. 140m 

11.  ………….. research showed that people were already living in southwestern Nigeria
(specifically Iwo-Eleru) as early as 9000 BC
A. Pathological
B. Archeological 

12…… cultures are the aspects of culture that make people’s behaviour.
A. Material Culture
B.Non Material Culture 

13. Microlithic and ceramic industries were also developed by ………..pastoralists from at least the 4th century BC
A. Forest Trade
B. savanna 

14. In the south,hunting and gathering gave way to subsistence farming in the….
A. 19th Century
B. 1st Century 

15. The digging at Kanji Dam revealed iron-working by the….
A. 2nd Century
B. 17th Century

16. What is the name of French General?
A. Napoleon Bonaparte 
B. Napoleon Benetez

17. Royal Niger Company was created under the leadership of Sir George Taubman Goldie…..?
A. 1901
B. 1900 

18. Nigeria became a British protectorate,part of the British Empire,the foremost world power at the time in what year
A. January 1,1901 
B. January 1,1900

19.  ……….. year area was formally united as the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. Administratively Nigeria remained divided into the northern and southern provinces and
Lagos colony
A. 1950
B. 1914 

20. Nigeria was granted full independence in October….
A. 1960 
B. 2000

21. From 1959 to 1960 …………………… was the First black Speaker of the Nigerian Parliament
A. Jaja Udor
B. Jaja Wachuku 

22. …………………..replaced Sir Frederick Metcalfe of Great Britain.
A. Jaja Udor
B. Jaja Wachuku 

23. Nigeria’s Instrument of Independence was received from …
A. Queen Elizabeth
B. Princess Alexandra of Kent 

24. NPC represent …..while NCNC represent…….
A. Yoruba and Igbo
B. Hause and Igbo 

25. Nigeria’s first Prime Minister.
A. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa 
B. Sir Tomas Bama

26. Nigeria proclaimed itself a Federal Republic In ….
A. 1963 
B. 1960

27. The first Nigeria President name?
A. Ojukwu indigbo
B. Nnamdi Azikiwe 

28. ……………………a group of army officers,mostly southeastern Igbo,overthrew the NPC-NNDP government and killed the prime minister and the leaders of the northern and western regions
A. January 15,1966 
B. January 15,1961

29. The federal military government came board under ….
A. General Aguiyi-Ironsi 
B. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa

30. Yoruba-dominated AG became the opposition under its charismatic leader
A. Chief Obafemi Awolowo
B. Chief Moshood Abiola

31. In a move towards greater autonomy for small ethnic groups the military divided the
four regions into….
A. 20 state
B. 12 State 

32 . …………………………declared the independence of the eastern region as the Republic of Biafra
A. On May 29,1967 Lt. Col. Emeka Ojukwu 
B. On May 29,1967 Lt. Col. Iris Ojukwu,

33. Biafra ended in ….?
A. 1972
B. 1970

34. An assembly was elected in ……………. to draft a new constitution,which was published
on September 21,1978,when the ban on political activity was lifted
A. 1977
B. 1976

35.  ………… five political parties fought against one another in a many elections in which Alhaji Shehu Shagari of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) was elected president.
A. 1979 
B. 1971

36. In August ………….. Shagari and the NPN were returned to power in a complete victory,
with a majority of seats in the National Assembly and control of 12 state governments
A. 1983 
B. 1986

37. On December 31,…………..the military overthrew the Second Republic. Major General
Muhammadu Buhari became the leader of the Supreme Military Council (SMC),the country’s new ruling body
A. 1984
B. 1983

38. The Buhari government was peacefully overthrown by the SMC’s third-ranking
member General Ibrahim Babangida in August …
A. 1984
B. 1985 

39. ……………mid-level officers attempted unsuccessfully to overthrow the government and 69 accused plotters were executed after secret trials before military tribunals.
A. In April 1990 
B. In April 1991

40. first stage of partisan elections was held at the local government level in …..
A. December 1990 
B. December 1993

41. ………..state legislative elections were held and Babangida decreed that previously banned politicians could contest in primaries
A. December 1992
B. December 1991

42. M.K.O Abiola was acclaimed winner of ………….presidential
A. June 12,1993
B. June 13,1993

43. Babangida was forced to hand over the government to…..
A. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo
B. Ernest Shonekan

44. Shonekan’s  was force to resignation on …
A. November 17,1993
B. November 17,1994

45. Abacha died of heart failure on June 8 19…..
A. 1998 
B. 1999

46. …………….for Shonekan to resign
A. Tafa Balewa
B. Sani Abacha

47. Abdulsalami Abubakar replace …………….

A. Tafa Balewa
B. Sani Abacha 

48. Democracy in Nigeria  beginning on ..
A. May 29 1999
B. May 29 2007

49. 19 states  was created in – 1987 while 36 states was created…..
A.  1995 
B. 1996

50. 30 states was created in – 1992 while 21 states  was created in….
A. 1990
B. 1991

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