UI DLC Course Registration For 2021/2021 Academic Session
University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre, UI DLC Course Registration for the first semester, 2021/2022 academic session has been announced. The Management of the University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre, UI DLC wishes to inform all students of the institution that the portal for Course Registration for the First Semester of the 2021/2022 academic session has been re-opened.
Click Here To Download The Updated Registration Guideline 2017-2018 Session
Table of Contents
Please read the Guidelines Carefully as the Instructions here will help during course Registration.
The full list of courses by code and title in each Department is also attached for guidance.
A simplified guideline is available for Learners in six (6) available departments to ease registration process for Learners by knowing the requirement for their departments and level. It is important to note that it is a simple guide to aid your registration that should be used with the information on course registration portal.
Courses are divided into categories:
- Compulsory/Core Courses [C] – These are courses that are compulsory for Learners to register in a department by level. All core courses are to be registered for (except in cases where there might be exemptions of some courses in this category by the department).
- Required Courses [R] – These are courses that are required by Learners to be registered (except in cases where there might be exemptions of some courses in this category by the department). Required courses MUST be taken but not necessarily passed. However the departments determine the minimum score expected in order for the learner to “move on”
- Departmental Elective Courses [DE] – These are courses that are Optional to the department of a Learner. Departmental Electives might be waived for registration in most cases (except in cases where departments require their Learners to register them – but the required number of units to be registered under this category is usually low.
- External Elective Courses [EE] – These are courses that are outside the Learner’s department (they are Compulsory /Required/ Electives of other departments aside the Learner’s primary department) thatare required to complement the Compulsory, Required and Departmental Electives of the original department.
- Teaching Subject [TS]– This is only available in the Faculty of Education (Social Work – as from 200L) Learners in the faculty of Education (Social Work 200L) will be able to register teaching subjects (which are specified subject areas – this will be determined by the admissions office. Once this has been determined, Learners will be able to register their teaching subject courses in line with approved “teaching subject area”
Learners that were admitted in 2013/2014 session and later MUST register at least 6 GES courses before completing their programme.
- Most of the compulsory and required courses have been pre-selected on the portal for you. It is still necessary that you check your programme requirements and pick appropriate Compulsory, Required and Electives of your choice.
- Minimum represents the lowest calculated unit that could be registered per category
- Total Minimum represents the overall lowest calculated unit that could be registered for in a particular department for the level represented.
Total Maximum represents the overall highest calculated unit that could be registered for in a particular department for the level represented.
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