UI Fresh Undergraduate Students ID Card Data Capture Timetable for 2020/2021
University of Ibadan, UI Students Identification Card Processing Time-table Is Out. UI Fresh Undergraduate Students ID Card Data Capture Timetable for 2020/2021
University of Ibadan, UI Students’ Identity Card processing timetable for 2020/2021 has been released by the school management. This is the schedule meant to guide all undergraduate students of University of Ibadan on the conduct of ID card processing.
This is to inform all fresh undergraduate students of the University of Ibadan (UI) that the management of the institution has released the timetable for students Identification Card data capture.
Table of Contents
UI ID Card Data Capture Timetable
UI ID Card Biometric data capture will commence on Wednesday 9 – Thursday 16 June 2021, the details are in the table below.
Each student is to come to the venue with the following item:
- Face mask or shield
- Hand sanitizer
You can check the status of your ID card by logging on to mis.ui.edu.ng/cardstatus.
Note to Mobile users: Scroll to the side to view all the contents in the table below:
Faculty | no. of students | Date | Venue: Time: 9am – 4pm |
Agriculture | 277 | 9/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Renewable Natural Resources | 201 | 9/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Veterinary Medicine | 99 | 9/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Economics | 79 | 10/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Environmental Design and Management | 44 | 10/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Law | 154 | 10/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
The Social Sciences | 249 | 10/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Basic Medical Sciences | 198 | 11/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Pharmacy | 102 | 11/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Clinical Sciences | 255 | 11/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Dentistry | 29 | 11/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Public Health | 98 | 11/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Arts | 644 | 14/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Education | 719 | 15/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Science | 688 | 16/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
Technology | 451 | 17/6/2021 | to be provided by the Dean |
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