Agbami Scholarship FAQs | Agbami Medical and Engineering Professionals FAQs
Agbami Scholarship FAQs | Agbami Scholarship For Undergraduates (Medical and Engineering Professionals) FAQs.
1. How do I apply for the AGBAMI Medical & Engineering Professionals Scholarship award?
If you meet the requirements for the scholarship award, please complete the application form accessible from online application link inside the scholarship advert.
2. Who is eligible for the AGBAMI Medical & Engineering Professionals Scholarship Scheme?
The application is open to university undergraduates in 100 and 200 Level only. The applicant must have gained admission either during the 2016/2017 or 2015/2016 academic session respectively.
3. I applied for the 2017/2018 NNPC/Chevron JV scholarship scheme, can I apply for this scheme? NO. 2017/2018 NNPC/Chevron JV scholarship applicants are ineligible to apply for this scheme as clearly stated in the “How to Apply” instructions.
4. I am a current AGBAMI scholarships beneficiary, do I still need to apply? NO. Current Agbami beneficiaries should not apply for this scheme.
5. I am a current scholarship beneficiary from an International Oil and Gas Company, do I still need to apply? NO. Current beneficiaries of an International Oil and Gas scholarship schemes are expected to benefit from only one scholarship scheme. Hence, are not be eligible to apply to this scheme.
6. What do I major in to apply for the scholarship? The application is only open to university undergraduates studying Medicine & Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy and any Engineering Course.
7. Do I need to be accepted into a particular institution, before I apply for the scholarships?
Applicants must have gained full-time admission into any recognized Nigerian University.
8. Can I send an open application?
No. Application is strictly done through the application portal.
9. Will you confirm receipt of my application?
Once you submit your online application form you will be sent an automated email acknowledging receipt of your application. You will subsequently be contacted if you make the Aptitude test shortlisted, if not you will be notified at the end of campaign.
9. What happens to my online application?
Applications are stored in a database; after the closing date they are evaluated and a shortlist is compiled of qualified applicants. Applicants who did not qualify for the scholarship will be notified at the end of the scholarship campaign.
10. How do I create my profile?
Visit and click on Register to create an account, activate your account via your email and return to to complete your user profile. Ensure you click 2017 AGBAMI Scholarship to open scholarship page. Then click “Apply” in the top right hand corner of your screen to apply.
11. Can I change my profile details?
Yes, you can. You are responsible for the correctness of the details provided. To correct errors after submission of your application, kindly log on to your scholastica profile, click on “My Account”, a dropdown appears, then click on “My Messages”. You will be directed to a page where you can directly send a message to the scholarship administrator stating your corrections. The corrections will be effected and a mail sent to you confirming it.
12. Can I change the course (programme) or institution in my application and can I add information to my application after submitting?
You cannot make any changes or additions to your application once submitted, and the deadline has passed. Applications that are not complete when submitted will be cancelled and will not be considered. However, if the application deadline has not passed, you can edit / make changes to your application online. Refer to question 11 on how to do this.
13. When my details have been corrected after I applied, is this correction effected in my application or do I have to re-apply? No you don’t have to re-apply, corrections effected before application deadline will be used during short-listing.
14. Where can I upload my passport photograph and other required documents?
During the creation of your profile, click on the tab “Passport Photograph” and upload your passport in JPEG format, not larger than 200KB in size. To upload other documents, click on the tab “Documents” select appropriate document from the drop down list and upload.
15. What is the maximum size and image format of passport photograph and other required documents?
Each document size should not be more than 200KB and the image format must be in JPEG.
16. I cannot find my course of study in the dropdown list online. What do I do?
If your course of study is not on the list, send an email to stating the name of your course of study, Faculty, CGPA Scale and name of institution. You will be notified in less than 24 hours via email once it has been added
17. How do I know my application has been received?
When you submit your application online, you automatically receive confirmation of receipt by email. Please note that your email provider may see this confirmation email as spam, so check if your junk or spam folder contains an email sent by You can visit your profile to view the status of your application.
18. I am unable to submit my application before the deadline. Can I submit it after the deadline?
No. E-Application closes after the stipulated deadline.
19. Do I need to pay to facilitate the application?
You are strongly advised not to patronize anyone by cash or kind. This award is strictly based on merit and meeting the award criteria. Note: Please ensure you understand the Instructions carefully before you start this application to avoid errors and disqualification.
20. Must I be of a certain age to qualify for the scholarship?
21. When is the scholarship application due?
The application deadline is strictly 7th April, 2017. Students are encouraged to submit their applications well in advance of the deadline.
22. What must I submit with my application, to ensure it is a complete application?
You must read the scholarship award information carefully and provide the documentation requested in the Eligibility Requirements section.
23. Can I fax or email the application or its components to the Scholarship Team?
No. Faxed or email applications or components will not be accepted.
24. Can I apply through the Representative in my university or hometown?
25. Is it compulsory to get my NIN before I submit my application?
No. You are advised to apply before the application deadline and update your profile later after you have obtained your NIN.
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