PLAPOLY Change of Course / Institution Form 2016/2017 is Out

Plateau State Polytechnic, PLAPOLY change of course / change of institution application procedure for the 2016/2017 academic session. Science and engineering candidates who scored 170-179 in 2016/2017 JAMB UTME examination can seek admission into the following courses.

Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi, PLAPOLY


This is to inform the general public and all prospective candidates seeking admission for 2016/2017 session into PLATEAU STATE POLYTECHNIC, BARKIN LADI that they are to comply with the following procedures for accessing the admissions

  1. All candidates who originally chose plateau state polytechnic as their second and third choices and were not admitted for the courses but now wish to change to other courses are to go to JAMB website and do so on line after the payment of two thousand five hundred naira (#2,500.00) only to jamb.
  2. All candidates who did not choose plateau state polytechnic as their choice of institution for admission but now wish to do so should go to the jamb website and change to PLATEAU STATE POLYTECHNIC, BARKIN LADI, after the payment of five thousand naira (#5,000.00) only to JAMB. the candidates can also change their course of study if they so wish
  3. All candidates in 1 and 2 are to print all the forms for the change and submit same to the office of the academic registrar of the institution at the main campus
  4. All payments to jamb are to be made by ATM card
  5. Science and engineering candidates who scored 170-179 in 2016/2017 JAMB UTME examination can seek admission into the following courses through the above procedures:
    1. ND Quantity surveying
    2. ND Estate management
    3. ND Leisure and tourism management
    4. ND Hospitality management
    5. ND Metallurgical engineering technology
    6. ND Foundry engineering
    7. ND Agric-bio environment technology
    8. ND Mineral and petroleum resources Engr.
  6. All candidates are to note that they are expected to complete the above mentioned procedures on or before Tuesday 29th November 2016

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