Skusat CBT Contest | Skusat CBT Exam Past Question
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Skusat CBT Exam Past Question
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Good Morning and Thanks you for the post. However, I have a question, these questions are for what year of the Skusat exams?
Please answers to this questions were not given at least to help us know if we answered correctly or wrongly.
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I have finished answering the questions, score me or rate me please
Rate me, I have finished answering the questions based on Skusat test or score me please .
I have finished answering the questions, based on Skusat test, rate me or score me please .
I need the past questions via e-mail
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please sir there was a friend of mine who i got involve in d picard contest 2020,he did his reg.3days ago but hadn’t receive any sms from d skusat can you help? his names and no.are (amuda ayobami 0708683547*)
and again how could i get password to d pre-test?
Please i need answers to the above questions to make it easy for me in time of reading
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Please sir/ can I found the password for the pre test
I need the past questions and answers via mail. Thanks
Please I can’t take the pre test coz I don’t have the Passcode , how can i get it pls?
My total scores please
How can I get answers to these questions
Pls how can I get the password for the live test
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i have finish the question please show me my scors.
Done! I need answers.
Please i just finished answering the questions and i didnt see where to submit, please help us with the answers. Again, how can i get the password to the pre-test
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Pls how do I get the password didn’t receive sms???
And I need the answers to the test
These questions are encyclopedic
Please how can I get the questions via email so it would be easier to answer them.
I observed there are no answers
In the questions
Why some question not march with option test