Top 10 Most Marketable Courses In Nigeria

Checkout Top 10 Most Marketable Courses In Nigeria, These Are Most Lucrative Courses That Are Highly Paid To Study in Nigeria, Ideal Course That Would Guarantee A Good Job After Graduation, These Are The Best Courses. 

Most Marketable Courses In Nigeria


Note also that this is not based on who earns the highest salary, but who has potential to earn decent income with his degree. Potential is the operative word here.

Table of Contents

Top 10 Most Marketable Courses In Nigeria

1. Medicine: Medicine may not earn you N500k per month at entry level, but it is the course that guarantees you job the most. I have never come across a jobless medical doctor. The pay may not be as heavy as the Chemical engineering guy in the IOC, but you are guaranteed of better-than-average income as a doctor. Medicine is number 1 on our list.

2. Estate Management/Architecture/Building/Survey/Civil Engineering: A degree in any of these courses places you in a good position for self-employment. Even from school, Architecture students make money drawing plans for people. We consider these courses the second most marketable courses in Nigeria.

3. Chemical/Petroleum Engineering: These courses have the potential to fetch you the fattest pay check after graduation because the companies that ask for them are those that pay heavily – the oil companies.

4. Geology: It is also a course that places you in good position to penetrate the much-sought-after oil industry.

5. Computer Science/Computer Engineering/IT courses: IT professionals are in hot demand the world over. Nigeria is not different. With special IT skills, your chance is even brighter. The downside is, anybody can learn IT skills, even if he doesn’t study computer engineering.

6. Economics/Accounting/Finance: The good thing about Economics is that it fits into many roles. I hesitated to include Accounting here because Accounting degree alone without professional qualifications is not usually so helpful; however, I included it because I expect the accounting graduate to do the needful of writing professional examinations after his degree.

Even without professional qualifications, you can still get a decent job with Accounting degree only in the many small to medium scale firms that require the services of accounting graduates. Finance is another great course.

The three courses, sometimes alongside Management and Business Administration, are usually in hot demand, although supply still exceed demand and many graduates of these courses are still jobless.

7. Mechanical, Electrical & other related Engineering courses: Engineering courses generally sell in the oil and gas industry. In addition these courses are also asked for in other major industries.

8. Nursing/Laboratory Science: Nurses don’t earn mouth-watering pay, but they are hardly jobless. I see Nurses change jobs like clothes. Hospitals and clinics – private and public – are springing up everyday, and a medium size clinic needs at least 4 Nurses. Some may have as much as  20. Same goes with Lab scientists, although in lower demand.

9. Law: Maybe the supply is fast outstripping demand and affecting pricing, Law has declined in economic value. However, it remains a Top 10 course. Whether you decide to practice or go into corporate world, or you decide to go into allied things like real estate agency, you still stand a decent chance of earning decent income with a Law degree.

10. Mass Communication/Journalism: Mass Communication will remain a marketable because not many universities do it, but many institutions need it. The downside is, journalism is not seen as exclusive preserve of Mass Comm graduates, as graduates of almost any course are recruited by news outfits. Yet, the course still stands a decent chance.

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