JAMB Direct Entry Admission Requirements For All Institutions In Nigeria

Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB Direct Entry Admission Requirements For All Institutions In Nigeria.

JAMB Direct Entry Admission Requirements For All Institutions In Nigeria.


Soon the 2017/2018 JAMB Direct Entry Form will be on sale and is a must that all interested candidates must know the requirements needed of them from various institutions in order for them to be eligible to apply.

As we all know, admission though DE gives you access to 200L of your degree programme without passing through first year. Online application is usually done via www.jamb.org.ng/DirectEntry. To apply via this method however you need to have any of the following qualifications:-

– Ordinary National Diploma certificate (OND)
– Higher National Diploma certificate (HND)
– GCE A Level, HSC, DALF certificate
– An acceptable Baccalaureate certificate
– Institute of Chartered accountants of Nigeria (ICAN)
or equivalents of these from accredited Polytechnics and colleges of education.
NB: Only students whose cumulative grade point average (CGPA) meets the requirement for the intended course of study will be considered.
The JAMB Brochure contain specific requirements for courses and schools. [Download The JAMB Brochure Via The Link Here.] Normally, candidates who gain admission into the University through DE start from 200 level except for a few departments/courses in some schools that insist that DE students must start from 100 level with UTME students.

Candidates who have any of the above requirements/qualifications and wish to gain admission into a university degree programme through Direct Entry (DE) are to wait patiently for the commencement of sale of forms by JAMB. It should start hopefully after the completion of 2017/2018 UTME. We will keep you posted.

Amount (cost of) for JAMB 2017/2018 DE form, where to purchase the scratch cards for online registration, how to apply online via JAMB website, and how to decide on which school to choose will be reported later on this same website. We are hoping this article on JAMB Direct Entry Requirements for 2017/2018 helps.
In summary, to gain admission through DE…

  1. You must be qualified to apply.
  2. You should stay updated to know when registration start.
  3. Decide on the school to choose.
  4. Apply through JAMB first (DE).
  5. While registering JAMB DE, select your choice school.
  6. Wait for your choice school’s post DE Screening.
  7. Pass the screening in (6) above and wait for 2015 DE admission list.
  8. Matriculate with 100L students, then enter 200L classroom!
  9. Candidates are to note that irrespective of their choice of course of study or method of testing, they will also be tested on a general text: “In Dependence” by Sarah Ladipo Manyika for UTME and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” by A.H. Mohammed for Direct Entry Candidates

Table of Contents

JAMB Direct Entry Admission Requirements For All Institutions In Nigeria

(a) A minimum of five (5) GCE/WASCE credits at not more than two sings with at least two Principal or Advanced level G.C.E. and the others.

(b) Two passes at the IJMB Advanced Level Examination, Cambridge moderated Schools of Basic Studies Terminal Examination, JUPEB or Institute of Baccalaureate from recognized institution with SSCE/GCE, NTS/NBC credits equivalent in three other subjects (SUBJECT TO UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS).

(c) Passes in two major subjects in the NCE with S.S.C.E., NTC/NBC credits or equivalents in THREE other subjects (mainly for Education Courses) and ND. Education may be accepted as a third A’ Level subject for those taking courses in Education.

(d) Minimum of lower credit grade in National Diploma or National Innovation Diploma including the O’Level requirements.

(e) Candidates are to note that they will be required to provide their JAMB registration number which they used in gaining admission to NCE, Diploma etc for Direct Entry admission.

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  1. Please Admin, I want to make some findings on the D.E into Unilag, can someone with an NCE certificate slot in for another course like Cell Biology & Genetics at Unilag, aside from going for an Educational course..

  2. Pls ℓ̊ hv 3.19 in business education(Nce) pls can ℓ̊ apply for management course in unilag nd which course will be ok.thanks

  3. My name is lucas damilola I finished my national diploma in grace poly in buzness admin wit 2.9 lower credit ad I want to apply for DE .will fuoye accept me fro that ad I want to request for poly ibadan own can I be admited

  4. Do u mean d.e candidates wil also write exam in four subjects they choose or only on the novel, i dont understand pls

  5. hey, does this mean the direct entry form is yet to be on sale and can someone use awaiting result? thank you as I anticipate your response

  6. pls i graduated wit 4.04 at poly ibadan last year, wot are d neccessary things to hold for the DE bcos even d transcript is nt yet out. so wot i mine goin to do.

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